As you may know, I generally consider writing to government people a collossal waste. But here are two guys who've sent real messages. In the first letter, former militia leader and author of Cracking the Liberty Bell, J.J. Johnson, challenges Congress to announce its real intentions toward gun owners. Congress won't hear, of course. But the message is really for the rest of us.In the second letter, Sean Casey withdraws from the Social Security System. His own words say it all.
I should state that, in combinging these letters, I'm in no way implying that J.J. and Sean share each others' views. I have no idea whether they do or not. I just thought these two unusual letters fit well together.
First, here's J.J., commenting on the U.S. Senate's post-Littleton-shooting rape of rights.
Dear Honorable Member of Congress,
No doubt you’ve already received tons of letters about how you should vote on the gun legislation that has been sent from the Senate. Many are from people who believe in the right to keep and bear arms. I am one of those Americans.
But unlike the other letters you have and will receive from firearms enthusiasts around the country, I have a different, yet more direct opinion on the important decision you must make. I appreciate you taking the time to read further.
I am not a member of the NRA. Nor will I bore you with statements from our founding fathers about the “so-called” right to keep and bear arms. Neither will I insult your intelligence giving you statistics on how guns may or may not reduce crime. You’re probably tired of reading those letters, anyway. After you read this letter, I’m sure you will be tempted to forward it to your institutions of national law enforcement.
It is those aforementioned institutions that are the primary reason most of the 80,000,000 (that’s eighty million) gun owners in this country have decided to arm themselves to the teeth over the last few years. It began as fear – but quickly leading to anger. Thus, I understand the political pressure that will be placed on you to cast your vote for more gun restrictions. In fact, if I were in your shoes, I might be tempted to do the same. After all, there isn’t an 80,000,000 man army to stop them. That scares me.
If I were a Congressman, and knew more than what the public knows about how I’d sold them down the river, made enemies out of virtually every country on earth, allowed our national security to walk overseas for a campaign contribution, and bankrupted the nation, I would soon be worried about a fraction of those 80,000,000 Americans making every attempt to blow my head off – leaving my brains splattered across the Capitol Hill Rotunda.
Few people would dare speak or write to a member of Congress in this manner. Nor would I. But unlike the current occupant of the White House, I believe honesty is the best policy. And I hate violence. Hence, I ask that you please refrain from insulting the dead and wounded of Littleton and Conyers, Georgia on the House floor debates to justify your vote. If you gave a speech such as:
“..Many of these 80,000,000 gun owners may soon decide to use these weapons against federal law enforcement, and the military forces we’re training against them. They might even start shooting us. It’s not really about the Constitution as much as the fact that we have too much power and they just don’t like us anymore. For that reason, we should disarm them…”
I believe you would gain much more credibility and respect from both sides of this debate. People from both sides would say, “Now, there’s an honest politician.” Then, you can freely vote for more gun restrictions, knowing there is less chance of the people using lethal force in their attempt to restore “their idea” of a free state.
I am a peace loving American. And I fear what some of these 80,000,000 gun owners (many of them ex-military) might do. I will be a neutral witness to the future and support whatever decision my Congressman makes. But I suggest Congress quit playing politics with this issue. Please save time and simply repeal the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Also pass a law that anyone found with any firearm should be shot on sight…
…That way, 80,000,000 people will know they have nothing left to lose.
Thank you for your time,
J.J. Johnson
And now Sean's letter to the Social Security Administration...
To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to report a gross theft of funds that I feel should be immediately investigated by your agency. Upon carefully reviewing my tax statements for the last ten years I have discovered that I have paid precisely $14,757.31 in Social Security payments, all of which were matched by my employers during the same period. However, no where in any of mine or my employer's records, did I find any statement in which I had given my permission, express or implied, for this bi-weekly transaction to occur. I understand that it has taken me quite some time to realize that no financial bondage or dependence upon your administration has ever been required of me, since I am an inherently free individual.
One thing I refuse to be is a victim, and hence, I would make the following proposal. Because of my own unawareness over the last ten years concerning my rights as a free individual, I concede that the Social Security Ministry may keep every cent that it has swindled from me.... save One Dollar. One Dollar is all that I ask for in return, monitarily speaking. I would also ask that I be removed from the list to receive any payments from SSA during my years of retirement. I could not, in all good conscience, receive funds that I knew had been forcibly taken from others in fashion by which they had been taken from me. Having hereby forsaken my claim to any share of the bounty, I also find it logical that I be exempt from having any more "contibutions" made to the pot on my behalf through future paycheck thievery.
Based upon my unalienable right of self-ownership, I make the following declaration: I, Sean T. Casey, am an emancipated adult fully capable of tending to my own retirement needs. Should I fail to do so, I shall make no claim, in any form, on any American to tend to my needs. Therefore, I demand that the U.S. Congress release me from all and any future association with Social Security.
Sean T. Casey
SS# Look it up
First letter(c) 1999 by J.J. Johnson; second letter (c) 1999 by Sean Casey
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