
- Little Brother is Watching
- Working on the Railroad
A Ticket to Freedom
- The Road to Heart Mountain?
Rumors, FEMA and the Future
- Mike Kemp: Snitch Detector
- After the Fall of Justice
- A Number, Not a Name: Big Brother by Stealth
- Welcome to Future Felons of America
- A Speech Before the Arizona Libertarian Party Convention;
April 19, 1997
- On the Day I Die
- By Deborah Marie Pulaski, with Claire Wolfe
- Land-Mine Legislation (Also published as
Pearl Harbor Legislation and Amerika, Amerika)
- Evil Came to My Door
- Libertarians and the Privacy of Friends
- If you're collecting "The Compleat Claire," here are links to works that appear elsewhere in Wolfe's Lodge:
- As Far Away as I Can Get
- Oh, Such a Happy America
- You Will Pay for this Someday
- Lord Horiuchi of Ruby Ridge
- My "Ties" to Timothy McVeigh
- Psychiatry for Dummies