The Flight of the Barbarous Relic

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 12:58:45 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

I spent a few hours this weekend reading George F. Smith's novel, The Flight of the Barbarous Relic. I linked 10 days ago to Jim Davies' Strike the Root review. I rarely write reviews, and today is no different, but it kept my attention enough that I was unhappy to crash last night without finishing it. It's a pretty good action story about a federal reserve chairman who lies his way into that position and then uses it to advertise the evils of fiat money and central banks and the glory of that barbarous relic, gold-backed money. The novel is basically a long, exciting, introduction to Chapter 40, a 26-page essay on the history of banking, fiat money, central banks, and the gold standard, with an afterthought, by the resigning secretary of the treasury, about how taxation is theft. Worth the $15 I paid Amazon for the book and the shipping. Unfortunately, I also paid the state of New York $1.20 for doing nothing but threatening to point their guns at Amazon.

The web site mentioned in the book,, really exists, and has background information about the book, a link to its blog, and a link to Mr. Smith's other web site,

The Barbarous Relic

The Flight of the Barbarous Relic

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