To Paul Helmke: "Answer the Fookin' Question."

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 12:24:42 GMT  <== RKBA ==> 

Mike Vanderboegh at Sipsey Street Irregulars - Paul Helmke of the Brady Bunch claims to want "reasonable gun regulation" in order to promote "safer streets" and "public safety". Mike points out that if he gets the "common sense gun laws" that he wants, it will spark a civil war. And Mr. Helmke oughta know that, if he has the intelligence of a six year old. So Mike deduces what Mr. Helmke really wants.

Ready? This is the question:

Mr. Helmke, if what this is really all about is "safe streets" and "public safety" how does sparking a bloody civil war further those objectives?

The answer is, it doesn't.

It can't.

And if that's not what this is about, then shouldn't Helmke and his myrmidons at least have the honesty to admit that what they really seek is the empowerment of the imperial federal government at the expense of our individual, God-given, traditional republican liberties, no matter how many innocents they kill in the process?

To quote the Irishman, Mr. Helmke, "Don't change the subject, just answer the fookin' question."

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