Sipsey Street Irregulars

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 12:10:14 GMT  <== RKBA ==> 

Mike Vanderboegh now has his own blog, I've added his feed to my News Aggregator. His first post All about the Sipsey Street Irregulars & Absolved says:

Welcome to the website for the Sipsey Street Irregulars, a merry band of Three Percenters who are fans of the upcoming novel by Mike Vanderboegh, Absolved.

He also promises:

The completed work should be in print by the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama. Great timing, huh?


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Comments (6):

why don't you just wear your

Submitted by Anonymous1 on Wed, 24 Mar 2010 01:11:14 GMT

why don't you just wear your KKK outfits and get off your fat ass

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Vandergoon is a liar and fraud

Submitted by James Robert George Jr on Mon, 03 Jun 2013 16:13:08 GMT

I hope this gets to Vandergoon. I'm a 5 generation NATIVE TEXAN, and I listened to this guy in Temple this last weekend. I AM CONSERVATIVE. He's a bona fide liar. After his speech, I shook his hand and welcomed him to Texas. He made some snide remark and ramble on about all the Alabama boys who died in the Alamo. Either Vandergoon doesn't study and is just fascinated hear his own words or doesn't read or know history. We in Texas know it's hard to be humble being Native Texan and we also know that everyone has a desire to somehow be a part of Texas, but vandergoon lied and moaned and groaned over all the Alabama boys that were killed at the Alamo, in fact he has written about this. Uh, hey vandergoon "All the Alabama boys" at the Alamo? Try 1 maybe 2. You do not have the right to even stand on the sacred ground of Texas you liar. You are no different that that Connecticut politician who lied about being in Nam. You're a shame. Oh, and you broke nothing. Most of us Texans knew about Fast and Furious before you woke up a year ago. Like politically in tune didn't know? One other thing vandergoon, let me provide you with some more facts about Texas that you, no doubt have no clue about. Who was the toughest and bravest fighting forces in the Civil War? I'm sure in your demented mind you think it was probably Alibababama. Well, you'd be wrong. Correct answer: The Texas fighting forces. Unlike you and your lies about the Alamo, I have truth and facts. All you need to do is read the words of Robert E. Lee, or to make it easier for a moron like you, write a Professor Gallagher, who is a EXPERT on the Civil War and ask him. Robert E. Lee and an expert from VIRGINIA saying the same thing. You sir are NOT allowed on the sacred ground of Texas anymore. I will be where ever you show up and call you out! You Messed With Texas son, and you're not going to live it down. Oh, did I mentioned I'm a published writer and the sibling of a full blown TEXAS ICON! NO? You'll soon know you liar and phony!

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Interesting that you

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 03 Jun 2013 16:16:21 GMT

Interesting that you have such strong opinions about something that happened so long ago. I don't think Mike Vanderboegh reads my blog. If you want to talk to him, you'll have to comment on his blog.

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I forgot and I'm sorry

Submitted by James Robert George Jr on Mon, 03 Jun 2013 16:18:23 GMT

I forgot and I'm sorry now knowing that you, vanderloon, don't have a clue about anything. Here's your study lessons, for me it would be a day, you? Probably 5 years. Texas, the toughest and bravest fighting force in the Civil War--Found in the writing of Robert E Lee. Email Professor Gallagher from the UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, expert in the Civil War.

And to your phony claim of "ALL" the Alibababama boys killed at the Alamo? Hells Bells check any record. You are no longer welcome in Texas. Go back to your moon shine still.

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St. Gay

Submitted by James Robert George Jr on Sat, 08 Jun 2013 18:21:43 GMT

Hey, St. Bill or whatever your name is, can you read? Your bumping buddy vandergoon brought it up not me you moron. And by the way, our history is what makes we Texans, Texans. I find it funny that buffoons like you don't care to talk about the past. This really shows your ignorance. If you and the other idiots out there would pay attention, you'd be able to see what's happening today. The thing about we Texans is that we are proud of where we are from. But it seems people like you usually never talk about where you're from, and probably with good reason. Nobody cares and it is probably an embarrassment.

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So much energy over a

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 08 Jun 2013 18:56:16 GMT

So much energy over a four-and-a-half-year-old blog post, welcoming a friend of liberty to the fold of bloggers. I grew up in Wyoming. I have no need to extol its virtues; they're self-evident. One thing I learned there is to leave people the fuck alone, unless they invite your attention.

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