
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 20:35:39 GMT  <== Quote ==> 

"Many police departments write 'To protect and serve' on their cars. What they don't say is who. We're supposed to assume that they plan to protect and serve us. Actually, they protect and serve the state, and its owners, the counterfeiters who print the money. I'd call them bankers, but in a fractional reserve world, there are no bankers, only state-approved counterfeiters." -- Bill St. Clair

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No rain on the parade...

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 21:06:38 GMT

Lovely quote. However, you will notice the trend that was set was by the corporations. Only incorporated cities, towns, etc have police (policy) enforcers; and of course you have some towns submit to others jurisdiction. That is why they are considered 'departments', "police/policy department". To protect and serve was actually put their so as to fool us into submission just as they had said social security number/cards would not be identity cards. But as we know through federal/state funds comes power and so as these departments started receiving funds the logo changed to 'law enforcement', because after all why enforce the incorporated city's policy when you have just been funded and trained to enforce state and federal law. And the counties will not see this until it is too late.

I hope that helps to clarify something.... Take it easy !!!

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