The Last Test of Democracy: Part Two

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 14:14:12 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - an idea to put some teeth in the Bill of Rights. No, not due process, speedy trials, and public hangings, which is what 90% of our "representatives" and "public servants" deserve, but The National Recall Coordinating Committees™. It just might work. It will at least increase the tyrants' cost of doing business. [tle]

For almost forty years, now, I've been watching the Libertarian Party try to achieve what amount to revolutionary goals by working "within the system". Like many of my readers, I've shivered in the rain or broiled in the sun collecting petition signatures, exhausted myself in what turned out to be comic relief campaigns, been held up to ridicule by media so putrescently corrupt they glowed in the dark like rotten fish, only to see our hopes dashed cruelly in elections rigged in several different ways against us by those who own the process.

The only thing that makes today's Ron Paul campaign different is how openly crooked the establishment has been in opposing it. You're seeing it, too. From denying this year's only peace and freedom candidate his rightful place in the debates, to failing to count his votes--or simply giving them to another candidate--the system has proven willing to destroy itself in order to save its clients and patrons.

For four decades we have been playing on their field, with their bat and ball--and more importantly, their umpire--and wondering why we can never win. It is time to change that, and I believe I know how.

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