The Last Test of Democracy: Part One

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 09:09:32 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - "Something is deeply wrong with the American political process," says Neil. Then he outlines the totalitarianism that has followed the inside job of 9/11/2001. He says he has three ideas for fixing it, permanently. I guess part two will reveal them. [tle]

All in all, it has been a time of bitter disillusionment. The nation's courts, for example, particularly the United States Supreme Court, have revealed themselves to be fully as corrupt and unreliable in their stewardship of the Constitution, especially of the Bill of Rights, as Congress, or even the mass media Thomas Jefferson believed--falsely, as it turned out--would preserve them. If somebody set out from the beginning, with the deliberate intention of destroying American civilization, he would be following exactly the same policies--running the Abraham Lincoln playbook--that George W. Bush is following.

Allow me to repeat that, because it's important. If somebody set out from the beginning, with the deliberate intention of destroying American civilization, he would be following exactly the same policies--running the Abraham Lincoln playbook--that George W. Bush is following.

Notably it was Dishonest Abe who first suspended habeas corpus, but Republicans are nothing if not pathetic creatures of nostalgia and will do absolutely anything to bring back the "good old days" of Lincolnofascism.

Cures? The list of cures is endless: abolish sovereign immunity, disarm the feds; demilitarize the cops; outlaw the secret ballot; send the politicians (including the President and his Cabinet) into combat first; abolish limited liabilty, outlaw fractional reserve banking, repeal every law passed since September 11, 2001, repeal every law passed since 1912. And no, I'm not kidding about any of those or a half a hundred more I could have written down here. But the problem remains the same as it was before: no real reform effort can get any traction when the system is run by crooked politicians and the whorish media.

Face it: in the kingdom of bananas, he who has the most bananas is king.

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