Dog-Proof Trash Can

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 12:40:28 GMT  <== Humor ==> 

We've had the same plastic diaper pail in our bathroom since my son was born 16 years ago. We initially used it for collecting our cloth diapers, which we washed ourself, at home. But since the kids have been out of diapers, we've used it to collect waste in the bathroom. Recently, the dogs have made it a habit to tip over the pail and spread the contents around. So I decided to put a stop to it. I went to the local Wal*Mart, and found the Hometrends 30 liter oval trash bin you see below ($35). Hopefully, it will stop the dogs. At the very least, it looks a lot nicer.

Hometrends 30 liter oval trash bin

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