On the Completion of "Roswell, Texas"

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 12:42:58 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith has finished his epic graphic novel, Roswell, Texas. I was reading it regulary up until page 350 or so, but somehow dropped out of the habit. Which means I've got 290 more pages to read in order to understand those last two frames at the link (which will likely change at some point to the beginning of the story). Neil thanks everyone who was part of its creation: Rex F. "Baloo" May, who helped with the story, Scott Bieser, who drew the pictures, Jen Zach, who colored the pictures, and Sean "Zeke" Bieser, who did lots of the lettering.

Congrats, Neil and company, on a magnum opus!

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