The Last Test of Democracy: Part Four

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 00:41:04 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Neil tells how to restore civilization in America. The Great Moratorium. A total cessation of law and regulation making. Yum. [tle]

Naturally, there would be draconian penalties for any violation of this new "highest law of the land". For a long while now, I've been interested in seeing the ancient federal prison on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay fully rejuvenated and dedicated exclusively to the incarceration of government lawbreakers. I'm more than confident that tourists on excursion cruises (especially those individuals who had never "benefitted" from indoctrination by the public school system) would pay a reasonable amount for small packages of meat with which to keep the bay's famous sharks interested in hanging around the prison island.

In the meantime, having nothing better to do with themselves (that would show above their newsdesks, anyway), the broadcast media might begin to measure the accomplishments of the nation's legislatures, not by the number of laws they pass, but by the number of laws that they repeal.

The Great Moratorium. And when the century is over, we'll make it permanent. Perhaps ultimately there may only be one law, the Zero Aggression Principle, forbidding the initiation of physical force by anyone -- especially government -- against anyone else, for any reason whatever.

We might then begin to count ourselves as civilized again.

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