Right War, Wrong Battlefield

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 00:54:20 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Kyle Bennett at The Price of Liberty - if you want to be free, stop supporting the state. You're not going to convince millions of people to join you any time soon, so trying to change the system is a lost cause. Instead, work at creating a life and an economy outside the state, and let it whither on the vine as its support dwindles. Agorism for the win! [tle]

Working within the system in any form strengthens it. I don't want to strengthen it. To the extent that I want anything at all to happen to the system, I want it to starve. But mostly, I don't want to be a part of it anymore.

Let's get one thing out of the way: the system has no right to exist in the form it is in today. Those voters have no right to the system they're voting for. The burden of "love it or leave it" is on them, not me, and it applies to the entire planet, not just the USofA. If they don't like my way of individual freedom, free markets, and personal responsibility, they can leave, because I'm going to do all I can to take it back.

Technology, communications, and mobility, coupled with the core values that are still held by the majority of Americans and the unintended consequences of the system's own contradictory premises, combine to make avoiding, evading, and bypassing the system easier than it has ever been. Those same things continually erode the system's ability to compel submission, tribute, and collectivization, even as it appears to strengthen the hand of oppression. That disparity is likely to continue growing in our favor.

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