May Contain Peanuts

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 11:59:32 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Nonentity at Strike the Root - L. Neil Smith's Maidenform Bra article, condensed. Government is the problem. Love is the solution. Simple. [root]

You know those little things you could make in your spare time, to help bring in some money to feed or house your family? Things you could easily make while you are tending to your children or perhaps helping watch your neighbors' kids while they are at the second or third job? Well, it's against the law to make things at home, and you can't sell them without several expensive and complicated licenses for doing business legally. Speaking of which, unlicensed day care is a very serious offense and you could have your home and life seriously disrupted if someone finds you helping out with your neighbors' kids. It's against the law.


Do you want to "save the world"? Save our "country"? It is very simple. Remove all laws, all permits, all fees, all bureaucrats. Let the love flow, let the love flow...

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