Prevaricator for President

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 08:23:09 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Garry Reed at Dallas/Ft. Worth Libertarian Examiner - when you vote, or refuse to vote, next Tuesday, remember that if you vote for one of the two republocrats, you'll be electing a politician, another word for liar. Mr. Reed gives a list of presidents who have lied us into war, including the current president and LBJ. Don't support their lies. Vote third party or don't vote.

On Election Day you'll be asked to vote for a president. If you're like most people, you'll vote for one of the two mainstream politicians because you believe one's lies are better than the other one's lies.

But a few people will do one of two things on that day. They will cast a protest vote for a minority party candidate, knowing they can't win but knowing also that it's the only chance to break the grip that lying politicians have on America. Or they will refuse to vote on principle, knowing that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil in a system that propels prevaricators into positions of power.

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