When the World Went Bankrupt

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 12:24:30 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Butler Shaffer at LewRockwell.com - it is moral bankruptcy, the destruction of the sanctity of property and contracts, that is the world's real problem. Fix that, and self-motivated individuals will fix the monetary problems. [lew]

Our ancestors seem to have had an intuitive awareness of the importance of living the integrated life. The search of an etymological dictionary reveals that the words "peace," "freedom," "love," and "friend," share some common origins. Perhaps they implicitly understood what we, in our overly-politicized world, can no longer grasp, namely, that "friends" express "love" for one another by respecting one another's "freedom," and that a world so constituted enjoys "peace." How impractical, we tell ourselves, as we play out the violent, conflict-ridden premises in which our thinking has been carefully structured. What masses of contradiction have we become when we condemn young men who kill their classmates at school, while cheering those who kill strangers in foreign lands; when we are unable to see that "our representatives" in Washington, D.C. are treating us no differently than is the mugger we encounter in a dark alley?

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