Is Obama a Socialist?

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:56:27 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Anthony Gregory at - Barack Obama is a socialist. Everybody knows it. But so is John McCain, and so is the entire American government, from village to state to nation. It's all run on taxation, redistributed wealth. Armed robbery. [lew]

But is this some sort of surprise? He wants to be the president. The U.S. government commands a three trillion dollar budget. Every one of those dollars is stolen or counterfeited and redistributed from some people to others. The loot being shoveled right now to Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex is redistributed wealth. Welfare for the poor is not the only threat to the freedom of the productive class to keep its money.

Obama believes in nationalizing much of the health care sector. But McCain and almost all the Republicans in power are for nationalizations. Look at what they just did to the finance sector. That was one of the greatest moves toward socialism in U.S. history.

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