Pardon Me, Mssrs. Obama and McCain, But Do You Have a Minute To Speak With Me, Mark the Roofer?

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 13:57:09 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Mark R. Crovelli at - a roofer begs the new "Father of the Fatherland" to name a price for him to pay to purchase his liberty. And explains how allowing him to do so will be mutually beneficial. [lew]

And so, if your highnesses will oblige me, I come now to my humble plea. I do not prostrate myself before you today requesting a subsidy or other corporate bailout, as I'm sure you were expecting, given the current, fascist economic environment. Nor do I come to in the hope of securing some of that very lucrative pork that oozes out of the halls of the U.S. Congress. Nor still do I come to you in the hope that you might be willing to shed innocent American blood to attack some remote and irrelevant foreign people. As I'm sure that both of you already have more than enough sycophants clinging to your heels in the hope of securing these favors, I humbly approach you today in the hope of securing a very different boon. The simple request that I place before you today is for you to put a price tag on my own freedom so that I might be able to purchase my liberty from you and the rest of the behemoth Federal government.

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