Hooray for Obama!

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 11:31:57 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Larken Rose is happy that Obama won. Not because Amerika's new tyrant will make things better. No. He's happy because Obama's reign will accelerate the end of the Amerikan empire.

I hope Obama passes every socialistic program and wealth redistribution plan he can think of. And then I hope the American people refuse to comply. I hope he outlaws private gun ownership completely, and I hope the American people refuse to give up their guns. I hope he nationalizes all health care, and I hope a black market in health care springs up. I hope he outlaws private possession of gold, and no one hands theirs over. I hope he keeps the war-mongering going, and Americans refuse to sign up, and people already in the military resign in droves. I hope he continues the tradition of the government doing the bidding of the bankers and the Federal Reserve, keeping everyone in debt, and constantly defrauded through the fiat currency scam. And I hope the dollar collapses, and people start using something else (e.g., silver and gold). I hope he raises taxes through the roof, and I hope people refuse to pay them. I hope he pushes his nationalist/socialist agenda just as fast as he possibly can, and I hope Congress helps him to do so. And then I hope that the spirit of resistance comes back to life in this country, and lets the beast die under its own weight.

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