Obama's Election Sparks Gun Sales

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 08 Nov 2008 12:56:11 GMT  <== RKBA ==> 

Ryan Owens at ABC News - last night ABC aired a Nightline segment about the rush to buy guns before and since Obama was elected. Will he manage to push through a new ugly semi-automatic rifle ban? Don't know. But a lot of people are making sure that if he does, they'll have theirs. The video is in-line in the article, or you can view it in a bigger window here.

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Re: Obama's Election Sparks Gun Sales

Submitted by Craig J. Bolton on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 14:49:36 GMT

[quote=Bill St. Clair]Ryan Owens at ABC News - last night ABC aired a Nightline segment about the rush to buy guns before and since Obama was elected. Will he manage to push through a new ugly semi-automatic rifle ban? Don't know. But a lot of people are making sure that if he does, they'll have theirs. The video is in-line in the article, or you can view it in a bigger window here.

Typical ineffectual response by pathetic rightwing nut cases. Pop gun is defense against Swat Team or National Guard Solider equiped with body armor, fully automatic weapons, grenades, etc. Ya, right. When will these idiots get through their pea sized brains that this form of resistence ended with the National Firearms Act?

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Not all criminals are as

Submitted by Patrick on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 17:11:20 GMT

Not all criminals are as well-armed as you say.

Certainly if a criminal comes at me with all the hardware you've listed, I don't have much of a chance. I'm more interested in defending myself against more common criminals.

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The key here is that the

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 09:40:16 GMT

The key here is that the SWAT team or National Guard is actually going to come to someone's home just to take an AR-15 or similar firearm away from them...is this a scenario that the comment poster is hoping for? If so, that makes you a LEFT-WING NUT!


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