Why Waco Still Matters

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:42:02 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Anthony Gregory at LewRockwell.com - Waco and Ruby Ridge were examples of what happens when people resist the state's edicts. And the Amerikan police state has gotten much worse since then, with no end in sight. [lew]

Waco still matters. Not just because it has become the paradigmatic symbol for federal police power gone out of control. Not just because it starkly demonstrates the American government's militarism unleashed against its own people. Not just because it showcases the propensity of politicians and law enforcers to deceitfully cover and obscure their wrongful actions. No, Waco's still important mostly because it shows exactly what happens when people resist the unjust incursions of their own government, including under democracy.

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