
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 06:01:37 GMT  <== RKBA ==> 

Mike Vanderboegh at Mindful Musings - from the Warsaw Ghetto uprising to a shortage of stripper clips. Jude haben waffen (Jews have weapons), and in America, the new Jude, gun-owners, are preparing for battle. Those who think they rule us had best be careful, unless they think they can continue to rule from the grave.

Yesterday I had to go to my daughters' high school soccer game in the eastern part of Alabama. I got an early start and stopped at gun stores and military surplus stores along the way. I was looking for some small items, but I was also taking a survey -- checking the lay of the gunnie land as we find it in this turbulent political season. All along the way I asked this question: "Do you have any SKS strippers in stock?" And you know what? Nobody did. Everybody I asked had stocked them. And each and every one of them were out. "You must be the fifth or sixth guy who been in here this week looking for 'em," one store owner told me. "I can't keep 'em in stock." In the past month he's sold several hundred of the little metal strips, maybe a thousand, he said. In case your math skills are weak, that's 10,000 rounds of 7.62x39 rifle ammunition being put back -- out of just one small gun store in a sparsely populated section of Alabama. The great grandsons of yeoman farmers are buying lots of SKS and AK-47 ammunition these days and combat packing it like there's no tomorrow.

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