The 'Lone Wolf' Disconnect

Submitted by Kenneth on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 00:22:36 GMT  <== Personal ==> 

"Another consideration is that the process of radicalization -- to the point that a person undertakes a terrorist attack -- rarely occurs in a solitary setting. Many individuals require the feedback and encouragement of like-minded individuals to help them reach that point."

The idea that a lone individual will appear seemingly out of nowhere to launch a horrific terrorist attack sends shivers down the spines of public security planners and law enforcement officers -- not to mention average citizens. Because of their unique traits, "lone wolves" present very real challenges to the law enforcement and security professionals charged with guarding against such threats.

However, with the road from desire to actual destruction fraught with obstacles, the lone-wolf terrorist -- one capable of causing mass casualties -- is a rare individual indeed.

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