
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 19:14:54 GMT  <== Loom ==> 

GoldNow sells lots of different electronic currencies: c-gold, e-Bullion Gold, e-Bullion e-Currency, e-gold, GoldNowBanc GoldGrams, GoldNowBanc USD, Liberty Reserve USD, Loom Tokens, Pecunix. GoldNowBanc GoldGrams and GoldNowBanc USD are stored in Loom. Loom Tokens can be used to buy loom storage.

Their registration page sends you a sponsor link for a new Loom folder with 198 tokens. That's enough for most people's uses. Your cost for the "free" tokens is your contact information: snail mail, telephone, and email.

The e-currencies sell for spot price at transaction time plus 5%, and it costs an additional 5 to 10% for payment in money order or fund transfer. Details of which e-currencies and payment methods are available vary depending on your location (country).

Loom tokens cost $1/100.

I mentioned GoldNow in my first Loom article, but since then they've made it very easy to get a Loom folder, and to fund it with gold.

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