Spitzer and the Laws that Brought Him Down

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 13:33:11 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

William L. Anderson at LewRockwell.com - Mr. Anderson writes part of the article he wanted to write before Eliot Spitzer became governor of New York, but was afraid to write then because he knew that Mr. Spitzer would use the Attorney General's above-the-law office to attack him, and his family. Too late, Mr. Spitzer. You've gone and hoisted yourself on your own pitard. Good riddance. [lew]

And while we as libertarians can lament that the laws that we know should not be on the books have brought down yet another person, we also cannot help but see the irony here. The monster that Eliot Spitzer helped to create ultimately consumed him, and perhaps that is the best justice of all. Or, what one hedge fund manager on Wall Street told me after hearing of Spitzer's troubles, "What goes around, comes around."

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