Operation Cassandra

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 07:57:49 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

William S. Lind at LewRockwell.com - why it would be a terrible mistake for the United States to attack Iran. Mr. Lind believes that they could easily wipe out the entire Iraq-based U.S. army. The French phrase I quoted below means, "We are in a chamber pot, and there we will be shat upon."

The U.S. military in Iraq is all spread out in penny packets fighting insurgents. We have no field army there anymore. We cannot reconcentrate because we're out of gas and Shiite guerrillas control the roads. What units don't get overrun by Iranian armor or Shiite militia end up in the Baghdad Kessel. General Petraeus calls President Bush and repeals the famous words of General Ducrot at Sedan: "Nous sommes dans un pot de chambre, et nous y serons emmerdés." Bush thinks he's overheard Petraeus ordering dinner -- as, for Bush, he has.

U.S. Marines in Iraq, who are mostly in Anbar province, are the only force we have left. Their lines of supply and retreat through Jordan are intact. The local Sunnis want to join them in fighting the hated Persians. What do they do at that point? Good question.

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