Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 12:33:06 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Brad Spangler created for information about the left-libertarianism practiced by Samuel Edward Konklin III (SEK3). Content is all PDFs, with links to places to discuss and investigate further. Ali Massoud recommends starting with SEK3's New Libertarian Manifesto. Brad recommends Wally Conger and SEK3's Agorist Class Theory, for which he wrote the foreward. From his site launch announcement: [alisvoice]

Yesterday, February 23rd of 2006, was the second anniversary of Samuel Edward Konkin III's death. It's my firm belief that he developed some of the most crucial contributions to libertarian thought and that these have yet to achieve the prominence within the movement that they ought to.

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