Government Makes Things Worse

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 12:56:00 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Brad Edmonds at - all the gummint's wars, on terr'ism, on poverty, on pollution, on some drugs, make the problem worse. Anarchy wouldn't be utopia, but it would be a damn sight better than gummint guns pointed at our heads about the latest war on the latest bugaboo. [lew]

Forcible government will fail in everything it does. It always has and always will. Government cannot provide security; it cannot eradicate poverty or disease; it cannot make people happy or wealthy. It can only destroy wealth, institutions, and beneficial customs, and can do these things only by continually restricting our freedom. Everything it does will have the opposite of the intended effect. These are not coincidental observations nor descriptions of general tendencies. That government will fail, and do harm, is logical necessity based in the nature of mankind, which is itself logical and based on instinctual animal self-preservation. This will never change. What needs to change is everyone's inculcated belief that government is either necessary or good.

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