Hallelujah! The Nightmare Is Over!

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 14:31:49 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

John Ross congratulates Barack Obama on winning the presidential beauty pageant, and looks forward to him learning that capitalism works, or not learning it and being left in history's waste bin.

With President Obama, the nightmares of Civil Rights Era racism, segregation, separatism, and Jim Crow are over. Black America has almost unanimously embraced mulatto Barack Obama as one of their own, and tens of millions of whites are gaga over him. The notions that blacks cannot hold their own in competition with whites or that white Americans hold blacks down and keep them from succeeding have been utterly obliterated with Tuesday's election results. As black comedienne Wanda Sykes said, "We can't complain about 'The Man' when we is 'The Man.'" Well put. Barack Obama's winning the Presidency of the United States in a free election shows that we can now rid ourselves of the nightmare of Affirmative Action and racial quotas. No longer will less-qualified job applicants be hired because of race or ethnicity. Employers will once again be allowed to hire the best workers. Patients will never again have to worry that the person examining them and prescribing life-affecting treatment got into med school and became a doctor for any reason other than talent and ability.

With President Obama, the nightmare of a Republican Party littered with "Moderates" and "Mavericks" and country clubbers like John McCain and George W. Bush has been rejected. Sarah Palin energized the free-market, low tax, and less-nanny-state base of the Party like no one since Ronald Reagan, but it wasn't quite enough to make these freedom-oriented Americans swallow John McCain. Yes, President-elect Obama holds (or appears to hold) Socialist beliefs that are diametrically opposed to the beliefs of people like me, and that's fine. We all know what he stands for. It's not a surprise. He's the general of the Communist Army we're trying to defeat, or the quarterback of the opposing football team we're trying to beat. Such a person represents a known threat, unlike someone we think is an ally but who is really a deep-cover sleeper agent who's just been activated after a decade, or one of our own running backs who's been bribed to fumble the ball or run for the wrong goal line. Give me a straight-ahead opponent over a spy or saboteur any day.

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