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All the blogs linked here in black were destroyed due to an error by the blog host google, as described here. I have completed republishing those blogs of contemporary interest and importance. They are colored green. If there is a particular blog you would like to have republished, please email me at Rummel at hawaii.edu.
As of May, 2009, I have a new blog, "A Freedomist View". Starting July 3, I will be indexing here all the new blogs I am posted there. They are colored blue and in the Chicago font. Since these are most recent and currrent for 2009, I will post them by date in the beginning of the archive. I intend to eventually outline them. I cannot well use the current outline. since it is organized around the democratic peace.

Wars 1816-1991

Below is a comprehensive outline of what I posted on my now inactive "Democratic Peace" Blog, "Freedomist Network" Blog (FN), "Freedom's Principles Interactive Book" Blog (the Book is now free and online )(FP), and my website Occasional Commentary on Current Events (OC). All are organized into the outline by topic and theme. The Saturday roundup of comments and my responses are not included.

TOPICS (click to go to)

* Postings of the A FREEDOMIST VIEW BLOG

* "Why This "A freedomists View" Blog?" (6/14/09)
* "One blog, Three Pillars" (6/20/09)
* "Three Cheers for the United States?" (7/2/09)
* "American Exceptionalism" (7/2/09)
* "EMP—The Most Deadly Threat to the U.S." (7/2/09)
* "$20.3 million to Settle Palestinians, including Hamas, In U.S." (7/1/09)
* "Democide Vs. Other Causes of Death" (7/1/09)
* "Global Warming Is A Fraud and An Excuse To Grab Power" (6/30/09)
* "Honduras—It was a Prodemocratic "Coup" Folks" (6/30/09)
* "Hope or Despair for the future of the United States of America" (6/27/09)
* "House Passes Climate Bill" (6/27/09)
* "Yes, The Iranian Revolution Is About Freedom" (6/26/09)
* "Message to Obama: Don't coddle a thug" (6/25/09)
* "Stopping the bomb what counts" (6/24/09)
* "Iran will change, on its own terms" (6/23/09)
* "The Four Keys To Obama's Mind" (6/23/09)
* "Dodge Facts, Skip Details, Govern Chicago-Style" (6/23/09)
* "Understanding Obama" (6/23/09)
* "The Iranian Election and the Revolution Test" (6/23/09)
* "Ayatollah Khomeini Ordered Massacre of 30,000 in 1988" (6/22/09)
* "Why Are Revolutions As Is That in Iran Like Earthquakes?" (6/21/09)
* "Iran--Freedom Ahoy in pictures and articles" (6/19/09)
* "Iran's People Revolution in pictures" (6/18/09)
* "Iranian Election Revolution—Drop Dead Obama Tells Protestors" (6/17/09)
* "On Iran's People's Uprising" (6/16/09)
* "Western Misconceptions Meet Iranian Reality" (6/15/09)
* "COURAGE" (6/15/09)
* "Iranian Ayatollah Montazeri Issues Fatwa Against the Regime" (7/12/09)
* "Where is Obama's Recognition of Freedom?" (7/12/09)
* "Tyranny Closing In—Nationalizing Health" (7/10/09)
* "Tyranny Closing In—Nationalizing Food" (7/10/09)
* "Tyranny closing in—Illegalizing Dissension" (7/9/09)
* "Tyranny Closing In—Sqashing Investigations" (7/8/09)
* "The Death of American Democracy" (7/7/09)
* "Authoritarianism On The Way" (7/5/09)
* "How Could EMP Be the Death of America?" (7/19/09)
* "War is Coming" (7/19/09)
* "So What If A Lie?--It Is The Politics of Power" (7/18/09)
* "The Great Global Warming Power Grab" (7/17/09)
* "Tyranny Closing In—University Lelftism" (7/16/09)
* "Tyranny Closing In—Unlimited Preventive Detention" (7/16/09)
* "The Democrats Continue to Kill American Security" (7/15/09)
* "Will Obama Save American Democracy?" (7/14/09)
* "Some Foreign Policy Commentary Links" (7/13/09)
* "Obama—The 60s Peacenik" (7/13/09)
* "The Great Labor Camp Mortacracy That Is North Korea" (7/27/09)
* "What is this "Tyranny Closing In"?" (7/24/09)
* "Tyranny Closing In—Blog Censorship"?" (7/22/09)
* "OMG, I Cannot Believe The Health Nationalization Bills" (7/21/09)
* "How Could EMP Be the Death of America?" (7/20/09)
* "War is Coming" (7/19/09)
* "Tyranny Closing In—The Stealth Coup" (8/9/09)
* "Says it all on Unemployment" (8/8/09)
* "Progress in Global Democracy" (8/7/09)
* "War on Terror Is History" (8/6/09)
* "Listen. Clunkers No, Missile Defense Yes" (8/5/09)
* "Not Health Care Reform--It's NATIONALIZATION" (8/2/09)
* "Vietnam--Grabbing Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory" (7/31/09)
* "A Picture of Democrat Nationalized Health Care" (7/30/09)
* "Yes, Global Warming Is About Political Power" (7/28/09)
* "The Kennedy Love Dysfunction" (8/30/09)
* "Was The Democratic Peace Killed?--Part III, Foreign Policies" (8/27/09)
* "It Is Treason, But Nobody Will Say So" (8/25/09)
* "Antarctic melting! NOT" (8/22/09)
* "Was The Democratic Peace Killed--Part II, International Relations" (8/20/09)
* "Credit May Get Worse Before Better" (8/19/09)
* "Was The Democratic Peace Killed--Part I Bibliographies." (8/17/09)
* "Tell Obama What You Think Of His Socialism" (8/16/09)
* "Socialism One Law At A Time" (8/15/09)
* "Obamacare To The Old—Drop Dead" (8/13/09)
* "Saudi Arabia—The World's Largest Women's Prison" (8/10/09)
* "Cheney Says It All" (8/31/09)
* "The Kennedy Love Dysfunction" (8/29/09)
* "Was The Democratic Peace Killed?--Part III, Foreign Policies" (8/27/09)
* "It Is Treason, But Nobody Will Say So" (8/25/09)
* "Antarctic melting! NOT" (8/22/09)
* "Was The Democratic Peace Killed--Part II, International Relations" (8/20/09)
* "Credit May Get Worse Before Better" (8/19/09)
* "Was The Democratic Peace Killed--Part I Bibliographies." (8/17/09)
* "Tell Obama What You Think Of His Socialism" (8/16/09)
* "Socialism One Law At A Time" (8/15/09)
* "Obamacare To The Old—Drop Dead" (8/13/09)
* "Again, Why Vote Republican?" (8/12/09)
* "Was The Democratic Peace Killed? Part VI, Death By Obama" (9/15/09)
* "Was The Democratic Peace Killed?—Part V, Prs. G.W. Bush's Forward Strategy Of Freedom" (9/10/09)
* "Health "Reform"? Big Sigh" (9/09/09)
* "47 Million Uninsured? No, It is 13.6 Million" (9/9/09)
* "Poem and Music On Democide" (9/5/09)
* "Obama’s Communist Czar—OMG" (9/5/09)
* "Was The Democratic Peace Killed—Part IV, Prs. Clinton's Foreign Policy" (9/4/09)
* "Afghanistan Is Winnable" (9/2/09)
* "Understand the UN--It Is Thugsville" (9/26/09)
* "Strange! Global Warming Data Disappears" (9/25/09)
* "The Clunkers Fiasko. Not a Parody" (9/23/09)
* "Hitler Myths" (9/21/09)
* "Growing EMP concern" (9/18/09)
* "Cyberdissidents.org—Great New Organization" (9/17/09)
* "A docudrama Of The Armenian Genocide" (10/10/09)
* "Vietnam and the Afghanistan Debate" (10/9/09)
* "Tyranny In View--The Not So Stealth Obama Coup" (10/6/09)
* "Why Such Support for the Lie that is Global Warming?" (10/3/09)
* "It is Worse Than Celebrating the Holocaust" (10/2/09)
* "Is Global Warming A Criminal Conspiracy? Part II" (9/30/09)
* "Is Global Warming A Criminal Conspiracy?" (9/29/09)
* "Where goes Afghanistan and Iran?" (9/28/09)
< tr>
* "The Democratic Peace Blog" (November 27, 2008)
* FN "Why the Freedomist Network?" (4/16/05)
* "The Solution to Mass Poverty" (12/12/08)

* "Unchaining Human Rights, Not Imposing Democracy" (11/28/08)
* “The Realism of Helping People Cast off Their Chains” (12/12/08)
* FN “DemocracyNews, 5/05” (5/5/05)
* FN “How Freedom Is Won” (5/21/09)
* FN “The WMD's Democracy Alert” (5/15/05)
* FN “Organization of American States Democracy Declaration” (6/5/05)
* FN "New Democracy List" (7/7/05)
* FN "Promoting Democracy -- from Rhetoric to Reality" By Colleague (7/31/05)
* "Redefining Historical Democracy" (4/6/09)
* "What Makes Democracy Permanent?" (1/30/09)
* "When Democracy Endures" (1/29/09)
* "How Democracy is Won" (9/10/05)
* FN: "The Transatlantic Democracy network" (9/17/05)
* "On the "liberal" of liberal democracy" (1/2/09)
* "Are Democracies Least Corrupt?" (5/8/09)
* "The Quiet March of Democratic Freedom" (12/20/05)
* "The Wisdom Of The Demos" (2/24/09)
* "Alliance of Democracies (Swedish Version)" (1/24/09)
* "The World Movement for Democracy" (1/21/09)
* "Happiness -- This Utilitarian Argument For Freedom Is True" (1/16/09)
* "World Public Opinion About Democracy" (1/12/09)
* "Global Corruption and Democracy 2006" (1/12/09)
* " How To Effectively Democratize" (1/10/09)
* "This And That On Democracy/Democratization" (3/12/06)
* "Do Non-Western Cultures Prevent Democratization?" (1/1/09)
* Repost: "Promoting Democracy-From Rhetoric to Reality" (4/16/06)
wedgeFreedom (liberal democracy)
* “Freedomist vs. Libertarian -- A Debate challenge” (12/13/08)
* “Freedom and Human Security” (6/17/9)
* "Telecommunications and the Rise of Political Liberty" (12/13/08)
wedgeResponse to the Challenge
* "Knap Responding to the Freedomist Challenge" (12/14/08)
* "Rummel Response to Knap" (12/14/08)
* "Knapp's Response: A Rebuttal, Part I" (6/ 8/05)
* "Response To Tomlin" (6/26/05)
* "Picking a Good Law"(4 /10/09)
* "Not Imposed—Freedom’s a Right" (1/25/05)
* "Political Freedom Vs. Economic Freedom and Wealth" (6/18/09)
* "Freedom Saves and Enriches Life" (3/21/05)
* "The Free Market as Utopia" (1/8/09)
* FN "Why Freedom?" (1/18/09)
* FN "On Freedom" (3/27/09)
* "Freedom Saves Lives" (6/28/05)
* FN: "Understanding The Free Market" (10/23/05< /A>)
* Repost: "Not Imposed-Freedom's a Right" (11/15/05)
* "Are Free People Happier and More Satisfied?" (5/6/09)
* "Why Foster Global Freedom?" (1/10/09)
* "A Blue Book Of Freedom" (3/16/06)
* "Update And Audio Of The Blue Book Of Freedom" (4/25/06)
* "Libertarian Is Out -- Neolibertarian Is In" (12/15/08)
* "The Freedomist Network Site" (4/18/05)
* "Partisanship for Freedom" (4/17/05)
* "American Vs. French Revolutions: A Freedomist View" (6/11/09)
* "A Freedomist View of Libertarianism" (1/19/09)
* FN "Knowing and Doing--Freedomism's Triangle" (4/20/05)
* "Understanding the Spontaneous Society" (2/6/09)
wedge Nondemocracies
* "Dictatorships -- A Crime Against Humanity" (12/5/08)
wedge and Famines
* “No Famine Ever” (12/15/08)
* OC “ Democracy? Prosperous and No Famine Ever ” (2/23/05)
* "If Democracies Have No Famines, What About India?" (5/28/09)
* "Is Niger the Exception to Democracies Never Have Famines?" (8/8/05)
wedge and Wealth/Poverty
* "Why Poor Nations? It’s Power, Of Course" (1/4/09)
* FN "The Economic Freedom Network" (4/24/05)
* "The Windfall for Dictators" (6/13/05)
* "What Countries Are Best For Business?" (2/2/09)
wedge Nondemocracies
* "Dictatorships -- A Crime Against Humanity" (12/5/08)
* "Tyrants Several Times Deadlier Than Natural Disasters" (2/13/09)

wedge "On This Freedom's Principles Book Blog "(5/2/05)
* FP “Preface to the Book” (5/2/ 05)
* FP “Introduction” (5/3/05)
* FP "Chapter 1. On Freedom" ( 5/4/05)
* FP "Chapter 2. Freedom is a State of Mind" (5/5/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 3. The Subjectivity Principle" (5/7/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 4. The Intentionality Principle" (5/11/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 5. The Self-Esteem Principle" (5/14/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 6. The Expectation Principle" (5/22/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 7. The Responsibility Principle" (5/31/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 8. The First Master Principle" (6/4/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 9. The Communication Principle" (6/11/05)
* "On Power" (4/23/09)
* FP "CHAPTER 10. The Power Principle" (6/19/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 11. The Conflict Principle" (6/26/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 12. The Cooperation Principle" (7/3/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 13. The Gap Principle" (7/9/05)
* FP " CHAPTER 14. The Helix Principle" (7/16/05)
* FP " CHAPTER 15. The Second Master Principle" (7/25/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 16. The Universality Principle" (7/31/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 17. The Trisocial Principle" (8/9/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 18. The Violence Principle" (8/25/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 19. The Polarity Principle" (9/11/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 20. The Third Master Principle" (9/25/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 21. The Field Principle" (10/15/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 22. The Exchange Principle" (11/22/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 23. The Freedom Principle" (12/15/05)
* FP "CHAPTER 24. The War Principle" (1/10/06)
* FP "CHAPTER 25. The Fourth Master Principle" (2/8/06)
* FP "CHAPTER 26. The Commonality Principle" (2/8/06)
* "How To Make Peace -- Understand Freedom" (1/7/09)
* "CHAPTER 27. The Peacemaking Principle" (3/30/06)
* "How To Keep The Peace -- Understand Power" (1/2/09)
* "CHAPTER 28. The Peacekeeping Principle" (4/13/06)
* "The Peacefostering Principle" (12/11/08)

wedge Democratic Peace
wedge In General
* "The World’s Most Important Bibliography" (12/16/08)
* “The World’s Greatest Q&A” [On the democratic peace] (2/21/09
* "Democratic Peace Lost and Found" (6/29/05
* "Ending War, Democide & Famine Through Democratic Freedom" (7/4/05
* " Visualizing the Democratic Peace" (2/3/09
* " More on Visualizing the Democratic Peace" (7/18/05)
* "Charting the Democratic Peace" (7/24/05)
* "Too Complex? Simplify?" (7/26/05)
* "The Democratic Peace" (3/5/09)
* "The Incredible Democratic Peace Chart, V.13" (8/10/05)
* "The Incredible Democratic Peace Chart, Backside" (8/11/05)
* "Democratic Peace Chart V.14 Frontside" (8/12/05)
* "The Democratic Peace Chart V.8" (8/14/05)
* "The Exquisite Democratic Peace Chart V.5, Frontside" (8/15/05)
* "Holy Mackeral -- See Revised Democratic Peace Chart V.9, Backside" (8/16/05)
* "The World's Greatest Democratic Peace Charts [final version]" (9/5/05)
* FN: "What Do Americans think of the Democratic Peace?" (10/1/05)
* "Why The Democratic Peace?" (10/31/05)
* "Onward And Upward" ( 11/06/05)
* "American International Relations Society" (11/16/05)
* "Joy Phim Democratic Peace Institute" (11/17/05)
* "Democracy Is A Method of Nonviolence Part I" (1/23/09)
* "Democracy Is A Method of Nonviolence Part II" (1/23/09)
* "Reading The Book Power Kills" (3/30/06)
* "Still More Evidence For No Wars Between Democracies" (12/31/08)
* Repost: "What Do Americans Think Of The Democratic Peace?" (4/19/06)
* "The Best Discovery Since Fire-Pax Democratica" (12/09/08)
wedge Misunderstandings/Misinterpretations/ Distortions
* "What? Violence is Everywhere?" (4/26/03)
* OC "Counting the Democratic Peace Away " (5/14/09)
* "The Ukrainian Crises Discredits the Democratic Peace. What??" (12/01/08)
* "Wrong, Wrong, Wrong Again" (12/12/08)
* "Another Expert Wrong about Democracy" (1/6/09)
* "Libertarian to the Barricade" (1/23/05)
* “If Not Stupid, Then What?” (2/20/05)
* “What? Hitler Was Not Elected?” (12/16/08)
* “Easterbrook End of War??” (5/31/09< /a>)
* "The Democratic Peace A Matter of Definition? No Way" (7/14/05)
* "Subjective Perception and the Democratic Peace" (3/18/09)
* "The CATO Institute Gets It All Wrong" (3/10/09)
* "Still Not 50 Times Better Than Democracy--Part I" (3/19/09)
* "Still Not 50 Times Better Than Democracy--Part II" (3/20/09)
* "Arguments Against the Democratic Peace" (5/13/09)
* "Does Incomplete Democratization Risk War?" (1/7/09)
* "On Democratization And Its Globalization" (4/24/09)
* "Is The Democratic Peace Elusive?" (1/22/09)
* "More of CATO's Anti-Democratic Peace Prejudice" (1/19/06)
* "The Myth Of "The Myth Of Democratic Peace"" (1/20/09)
* "Again-Incomplete Democratization DOES NOT Risk War" (3/28/06)
wedge Regarding Democide
* " Even Elie Wiesel Doesn’t Get It" (12/17/08)
* "It's Not Hopeless -- There Is An Antidote" (6/4/09)
wedge And Foreign Policy of
* OC " Introductory comments on Krauthammer's lecture" (12/17/08)
*"Global Peace And Human Security Are Not Hopeless " (3/24/09)
* OC "A Forward Strategy of Freedom" (11/10/03)
* OC "Bush Knows--Do You?" (11/14/04)
* "Out of the Ivory Tower" (11/28/08)
* "The Democratic Peace—From Science to Foreign Policy" (1/20/05)
* “Rice’ing Expectations for Freedom” (2/9/05)
* “Bush: Down With Tyranny – Everywhere” (3/9/05)
* FN “ Sec. Rice Speech at the Community of Democracies” (5/4/05)
* "Not Even the WSJ Knows" (5/15/05)
* FN "The Advance Democracy Act" (5/22/05)
* FN "Promoting Democracy Through Diplomacy" (5/17/05)
* "The "Peace" of Nuclear Nonproliferation" (3/12/09)
* "Nukes For Democracies" (4/1/09)
* FN "Diplomacy For Freedom" (7/31/05)
* FN "Promoting Democracy -- from Rhetoric to Reality" By … (8/7/05)
* FN "Bugs in the of Democracies" (8/20/05)
* "Secretary Rice on the Democratic Peace" (12/11/05)
* "Nation Building And The History Of Force" (1/21/09)
* "On President Bush's Promotion of Democracy" (1/16/06)
* "An Affirmation of Bush's Call For Freedom" (2/1/06)
* "Exporting Democracy? No, Unchaining a People" (3/29/06)
* "The Fukuyama-Garfinkle Muddle on Terrorism and Fostering Democracy" (12/31/08)
* "The American Push For Human Rights And Democracy" (12/10/08)
class="col1 col_width1" style="font-family: Times New Roman, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;font-weight: 900; ">
wedge and War/Foreign Violence
* "Returning to the Democratic Peace" (November 27, 2008)
* "Democracies Increase and Ipso Facto, World Violence Declines" (12/23/04)
* "More on the Democratic Peace and Sharp Decline in Violence" (5/11/09)
* "Sharansky—No Peace With Dictators" (12/18/08)
* “SEE The Democratic Peace At Work” (3/26/09)
* “Democracies Increase, Violence Decreases, Media Still Blind” (6/2/09)
* “ The End of War?” (6/6/05< /a>)
* "Still, No Wars Between Democracies" (3/23/09)
* "Willful Blindness?" ( 1/27/09)
* "Global Violence in Sharp Decline" (5/19/09)
* "On The Decline In Warfare/Reviews of Mao" (11/22/09)
* "On The Sharp Drop In Violence, Again" (4/21/09)
* "The More Democratic, And The More Human Rights, The Less Terrorism" (1/9/09)
wedge Democide
wedge That which is genocide
* OC "Explaining Genocide" (12/18/08)
* "Not Suicide Bombing. It's Murder Or Genocide Bombing" (November 28, 2008)
* "Not Suicide Bombing, It’s Murder or Genocide Bombing [#2] (1/6/05)
*"Genocide Vs. Democide"(6/25/09)
* "The Holocaust Obsession" (3/4/09)
* "It's Democide, Not Politicide" (5/8/09)
* "A Holocaust Photo -- Is It Authentic?" (1/10/06)
* "The Shooting Of The Woman With Child Holocaust Photo is Authentic" (1/15/06)
* "Which Shooting-Woman Painting is Best?" (1/23/06)
* "The Shawl" (2/27/09)
wedge Teaching Democide (also see nations below)
* OC "The Intellectual Trap of Understanding" (4/3/04)
wedge Any Democide (also see nations below)
* OC "Exemplifying the Horror of European Colonization: Leopold's Congo" (12/20/08)
* OC "Government Murder By Quota" (8/28/03)
* "Pol Pot? Idi Amin? No, It’s Pinochet. Again" (12/1/08)
* “Democide Vs. Other Causes of Death” (7/1/09)
* "Dare to Call Evil Evil" (6/16/09)
* “Yes, There is Hope—Great Hope” [Re: democide] (2/17/05)
* “See Them and Weep” [Re: democide] ( 3/25/09)
* “Democide Vs. Other Causes of Death” (2/1/05)
* “How Many Did Stalin Really Murder?” (6/10/09)
* OC “The Red Plague [Communist Democide]” (3/3/09 )
* “Democide Galore” (6/5/09)
* "The Victims of Communism Memorial" (9/6/05)
* " Why the 20th Century Was The Bloodiest Of All" (1/27/09)
* "The World's Greatest Unknown Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing" (2/23/09)
* "Death By Marxism" ( 5/7/09)
* "The Ugly Reality of Democide -- A Photo" (2/23/09)
* "Reevaluating China's Democide to be 73,000,000" (November 24, 2008)
* "The Answer to the "Insanity" of Democide" (3/11/09)
* "New Estimate of 20th Century Democide as 262,000,000" (4/7/09)
* "Yes, Power Kills" (12/29.08)
* "Day-By-Day, Hour-by-Hour, and Minute-By-Minute The Murdering Goes On" (12/09/08)
* "Who Are The Mortacracies? Part I" (12/06/08)
* "Who Are The Mortacracies? Part II" (12/6/08)
* "Who Are The Mortacracies? Part III" (12/7/08)
* "Who Are The Mortacracies? Part IV" (12/7/08)
* "Who Are The Mortacracies? Part V" (12/08/08)
* "Who Are The Mortacracies? Part VI-The Answer" (12/08/08)
* "Who Are The Mortacracies? Part VII-What To Do About Them" (12/11/08)
* "20th Century Mortacracies" (5/10/06)

wedge Countries/Nations/Regions
wedge Afghanistan
* "The Black Hole in AP’s Top 10 headlines of ‘04" (12/21/05)
* "And What About Afghanistan?" (2/23/06)
* "State Socialism Exemplified -- Burma" (12/21/08)
wedge Cambodia
* "Now, Dearest, You Are Here (A docudrama of Pol Pot's Cambodia) (12/21/08)
wedge China
* "China's Democide Far Exceeds Japan's" (12/23/08)
* ""Please Now, Rest In Peace:" A Docudrama on Mao's China" (4/8/09)
* "China's Cultural Revolution -- A Docudrama" (12/23/08)
* "Freedom of Speech? Ha!" (5/30/09)
* "Not a Parody--China's White Paper On Democracy (4/2/09 )
* "Rule by Decree Best for China?" (4/22/09 )
* "Reevaluating China's Democide to be 73,000,000" (11/24/08)
*"The Monstrous, Hidden Mao Tse-tung" (November 26, 2008)
* "Love, Fear, And Death In Mao's China" (12/10/08)
* "On The Decline In Warfare/Reviews of Mao" ()
* "Getting My Reestimate Of Mao's Democide Out" (November 24, 2008)
* "Nathan's Review Of Chang and Halliday's Mao" (November 26, 2008)
* "More Reviews of Chang and Halloway’s biography of Mao" (November 26, 2008)
* "Public Opinion In China" (1/11/09)
wedge Congo, Democratic Republic of
* OC "Conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo Deadliest Since World War II, Says The IRC" (5/31/03)
* "Reevaluating Colonial Democide" (12/7/06)
* "Leopold's Congo -- A Docudrama" (12/20/08)
wedge Iran
* "Tsunamis of Death. Why One, Not the Other?" (Iran democide] (12/03/08)
* “Kill Them All!” [Iran democide] (6/22/09)
* "Attack Iran" (12/19/ 05)
* "Middle East, Democracy, and Iran" (4/10/06)
* "Iran-The Leader of Islamist Terrorism" (4/12/06)
wedge Iraq
* "Negative Polls on Iraq? It's the Major Media" (12/22/04)
* "Vietnam? Not This Time" (1/17/05)
* “Kennedy’s Vietnam All Over Again” (1/30/05)
* “How Many Iraqi Civilians Killed?” (2/7/05)
* “Iraqi Civilians Killed—Revisited” (2/13/05)
* “Vietnam all Over Again” (6/22/05)
* “Iraqi Civilians Killed—Revisited” (2/13/05)
* "The Old foreign Policy Establishment vs. the New on Iraq" (8/4/05)
* "The Sheehan Terrorist/Murder Appeasers" (8/18/05)
* "The Draft Iraq Constitution" (9/8/05)
* "Fingered by the American Spirit" (9/28/05)
* "Hitchen's and 'A War To Be Proud Of'" (10/05/05)
* "Scowcroft Just Doesn't Get It" (12/26/08)
* "Why Are We Fighting In Iraq" (1/29/09)
* "Crimes Against Humanity to Compare to Abu Ghraib" (12/26/05)
* "So, How's the Iraq War going?" (2/22/06)
* "What? Saddam Was Going To Do That?" (1/11/09)
* "There Is Not A Civil War in Iraq" (2/27/06)
* "More Reasons For Optimism About Iraq" (2/28/06)
* "Yes, There Is Progress And Success in Iraq" (3/20/06)
* "Inside Saddam's Head and Regime" (3/27/06)
* "Democratization-The Implicit If-Then of the Iraq War" (12/29/08)
wedge Israel
* OC “Genocide Bombing of the Jews” (8/28/03)
* OC “Israel's Just Assassination” (4/18/04)
wedge Middle East and Muslim Africa
* “Muslim North AFrica” (5/25/09)
* “The Middle East Democratic Earthquake” (3/1/05)
* “Cheers for ME Instability” (3/17/05)
* FN “Women's Freedom in the ME/N.Africa” (1/26/09)
* FN “ Arab Freedom Ahoy” (6/5/05)
* "The Lethal Curtain Of Silence" (7/11/05)
* FN "Muslim Arabs Favor Democracy" (5/2/09)
* FN "Muslim Africa and Democracy" (7/28/05)
* "A Large Majority of Arab Muslims Favor Democracy" (11/8/05)
* Repost: "Women's Freedom in the Middle East" (11/07/05)
* FN "How Free Are Middle Eastern Nations" (11/20/05< /a>)
* Repost: "Arab Freedom Ahoy" ( 5/4/09)
* Repost: "Muslim Arabs Favor Democracy" (1/4/06)
* "The Hamas Political Quake and Democracy" (1/26/06)
* "Will The Hamas Win Test The Democratic Peace?" (1/30/06)
* "Middle East Authoritarianism IS Getting Better-Look At The Data" (12/30/08)
* "Is Islam The Enemy?" (12/28/08)
* "Is Islam The Enemy? #2—No!" (12/28/08)
wedge Korea, North
* OC "What Is To Be Done About The Democidal Famine In North Korea?" (1/27/04)
* "N. Korea? It’s the Trend Line, Dammit" (12/30/04)
* “Is the N. Korean Thugdom Collapsing?” (2/2/05)
* “Assassinate Him” (2/ 15/05)
* "Assassinate Kim Jong Il, Part II" (5/9/05)
* "Impoverishment and Death by Socialism" (6/13/09)
* "Quotations For All time" (4/25/05)
* "Kim Jung Il's Kakistocracy" (6/3/09)
* "Handling Kim With Kid Gloves" (1/26/09)
* "Nuclear Tipped Pickle" (6/15/05)
* "The Commonplace Horror Of It All" (3/9/09)
* "Brain Washing South Korean Children" (11/9/05)
* "Incredible! And The Horror Continues As The Threat Increases" (1/8/09)
wedge Korea, South
* “South Korea’s Repugnant Appeasement” (3/13/05)
* "S. Korea Should Be Ashamed" (2/8/06)
wedge Pakistan
* "Pakistan's Mega-Genocide -- A Docudrama" (4/16/09)
wedge Rwanda
* "Kill Them, Or We Will Kill You -- A Docudrama" (12/26/08)
wedge Russia/U.S.S.R.
* "Russia--A Renewed Problem and Danger" (12/20/04)
* "The Real Gulag" (6/12/05 )
* "More on Gulag" (6/14 /05)
* “No, God, I Can't Believe It [docudrama of Stalin's forced Ukrainian famine in the early 1930s]” (4/28/09)
wedge Sudan
* OC "Democide In Sudan--Dither, Delay, and Doublespeak While People are Murdered Wholesale" (7/31/04)
* "Okay, 100,000 Dead—What About Sudan’s 370,000?" (12/29/04)
* ’It's Only Mass Murder, Not Like A Disaster" (7/9/09)
* "Darfur—A Bloody Test for the Noninterventionist" (1/26/05)
* “Noninterventionists to Darfurians—Drop Dead” (1/31/05)
* “Noninterventionists to Darfurians—Drop Dead” (1/31/05)
* “Darfur—400,000+ Not Genocide? But, Damn It, It’s Democide” (2/6/05)
* "6,000 More Darfurians to be MURDERED in July" (7/5/05)
* "The Continuing Darfur Extermination" (8/22/05)
* "Can't Even Pay Them to Cover Genocide" (8/25/05)
* "Darfur Figleaf Falls Away -- Hypocrisy Exposed" (9/13/05)
wedge Turkey
* "Refusing to Acknowledge Turkey's Genocide" (5/04/05)
* "Armenian Genocide" (6/6/09)
* "Please Kill Him Now" A docudrama of the Armenian genocide)(4/8/09)
* "Repeat After Me -- There Was An Armenian Genocide!" (4/3/09)
wedge United States
* OC " A Dysfunctional State Department??" (4/24/03)
* OC "The Courts Take Over" (3/6/09)
* OC "Three Cheers for the United States" (5/3/03)
* "Happiest America" (8 /3/05)
* OC "Just the Facts: The United States, Democide, and Democracy" (5/10/03)
* OC "Was World War II American Urban Bombing Democide?" (9/22/03)
* "U.S. Not A Democracy?" (1 /5/09)
* "Another Side to the Abu Gharib Prison Abuses" (12/25/08)
* "Lets Honor America for a Change" (2/3/05)
* “No, A Republic AND Democracy” (3/10/05)
* “The Law is an Ass -- the Terri Shiavo Euthanasia” (3/28/05)
* “The Bolton War and a Surprise” (5/03/05)
* “The Unconstitutional Judiciarchy” (5/05/05)
* “State's Tofu Spine” ( 6/16/05)
* "The Struggle for the Judiciarchy" (6/20/05)
* "Three Cheers for the United States of America" (7/3/05)
* "Hiroshima-Nagasaki was Democide" (8/5/05)
* "Rethinking Hiroshima and Nagasaki" (3/31/09)
* "The Door to Totalitarianism" (8/17/05)
* "Dr. Condoleezza Rice for President" (8/24/05)
* "Republicans are Not Anti-Black" (9/7/05)
* "The Chilean Coup--Icon of the Anti-American Left" (9/18/05)
* "The Democrat Party -- Hijacked by Treasonous Liars" (11/23/05)
* "Thanksgiving" (11/24 /05)
* "Why Does The U.S. Ignore Genocide?" (12/15/05)
* "A Just Democide Doctrine?" (4/3/09)
* "Is America The Most Violent Of All?" (1/18/09)
* "But, Didn't the U.S. Support Tin-Pot Dictators?" (1/14/09)
* "Why are Americans So Incredibly Happy?" (1/13/09)
* "How The U.S. Military Plan To Fight The War On Terror" (3/5/06)
* "A Content Analysis of Bush's National Security Document" (3/19/06)
* "The Firing of the CIA Director" (5/11/06)
wedge Vietnam
* “The Blood of Millions on Their Hands” (4/29/09)
* “Peace Love, Compassion--A Vietnamese Story” (4/14/09)

wedge Foreign Policy (General)
* "Stability No. Freedom and Life Yes" (12/11/04)
* "Realistic Idealism vs. Idealistic Realism" (7/4/09)
* FN "The Freedom House Cornucopia on Freedom" (4/30/05)
* "What To do About Nuclear Weapons" (1/30/09)
* Repost: "Realistic Idealism vs. Idealistic Realism" (11/13/05)
* "The New Transformational Diplomacy" (3/8/06)
* "The Ignored Iron Triangle of Power" (1/1/09)

wedge Leftist Conceptual Perversions
* "Another Conceptual Perversion—International Community" (span>12/25/08)
* "They are Terrorists—They Murder, Not Just Kill" (12/11/08)
* "Extremists? Militants? Rebels? No, They Are Terrorists" (12/11/08)
* "The Left Does It Again" (1/5/09)
* "Hitler Was A Socialist [Not a Right-Wing Conservative, as the Left Wants You to Believe]" (5/23/09)
* "Socialists? Vast Ignorance or Religious Faith?" (3/21/06)

wedge Media
* "Treason is Treason" (2/19/09)
* “Censor the Media” (2/8/ 05)
* “What? There actually is Censorship?” ( 2/4/09)
* “The Washington Post Exhibits Its Leftism to China” (12/30/08)
* “The Great Puppy Theft Scandal” (4/12/05)
* "Understanding The Cartoon Riots" (1/15/09)
* "And There You Have It" (3/15/06)
* "And How Do The People view the Media?" (3/22/06)

* "Anarchies Do Exist-You Live In One" (46/8/09)
* "Do Republicans Hate Blacks?" (5/20/09)
* "Why Did Obama Win? For One Reason" (November 24, 2008)
* “Leftimania Exposed” (6/15/09)
* “Picking the Issues” (4/ 20/05)
* “[Rummel] Newspaper Interview” (6/7/09)
* “No To Reifying Groups” (6/1/09)
* “Unity? No, Self-Determination” (2/5/09)
* "The Forthcoming Flu Pandemic and Maybe 360,000,000 Dead" (6/20/05)
* "The EMP Threat" (6/28/09 )
* "A Life-Saving, Life-Enriching Lie" (7/27/05)
* "Method, Method, It's All In The Method" (5/15/09)
* "A Moment For A Good Laugh" (5/16/09)
* "A Little Primer on Multicollinearity" (5/1/09)
* "A Nobel Peace Prize Finalist?" (5/14/09)
* " The Best 2008 Democratic Peace Candidate" (10/10/05)
* "Harriet Miers -- What Happened?" (10/27/05)
* "Understanding Propaganda" (2/9/09)
* "The Moral Argument for Killing Another" (3/2/09)
* "My Top 20 Blog Posts" (12/29/05)
* "To Begin With, It's In The Mind" (1/19/09)
* "World Public Opinion: People vs. Leaders" (1/14/09)
* "On That Mysterious "p" In Quantitative Reports" (1/9/09)

wedge University Leftism
* "Leftsville -- the American University" (12/04/08)
* "Marxists Are Communist—Communists are Marxists" (12/11/08)
* "Too Radical for Tenure?" (1/14/05)
* “Peace Studies Vs. Peace Research” (4/13/08)
* “On Ward Churchill and Academic Leftmania” (3/16/08)
* “Tenure, Like Power, Corrupts; (3/16/09)
* “Eliminate Tenure—Cure Leftmania” (2/28/05)
* "Its Worse Than You Think" (6/11/09)
* " Academic Tenure- Protecting Incompetence, Malingering, and Leftism" (5/11/09)
* "Our Own Re-Education Camps" (4/17/09)

wedge UN
* "On Thugsville—Oops, The UN—Dealing with Global Threats" (12/5/08)
* “The UN (United Thugs) And Human Rights” (2/23/05)
* “The UN and Democide” (2/12/09)
* “The UN and Humanity's Hope – Peacekeeping” (2/11/09)
* “The UN’s (United Thugs’) Specialized Agencies” (3/14/05)
* "The UN's (United Thug's) Shameful Antisemitism" (2/10/09)
* "Kofi Annan's Fatally Flawed Fix" (3/27/05)
* " What To Do About the UN" (4/4/05)
* FN "A New U.N.? No, The Old Thugdom" (7/9/05)
* FN "A UN Tax?" (9/03/05)
* "How The World Views the UN" (1/13/09)

wedge War, Past and Present
* OC "World War IV--The Islamicist War" (12/1/03)
* "What? Only 35,000,000 Killed in War?" (11/30/08)
* "Did He Really Risk Nuclear War?" (4/6/05)
* "Roots of War" (3/30/09)
* "No, Not 50-60 Million--It's 15 Million" (4/25/09)
* "Somme Deadly Madness -- A Docudrama" (3/24/09)
* "Measuring Victory In The War On Terror" (5/20/09)
* "On War and Interventionism" (4/20/09)
* "Can We predict War and Is It Inevitable?" (5/18/09)
* "On the Necessity of Preemption" (10/13/05)
* "What? Only 34,000,000 20th Century Battle Dead" (1/30/09)
* "This War Is For Real" (3/6/06)
wedge On Terrorism
* “Why Terrorist Nukes the Greatest Threat Ever” (3/13/09)
* “No, Poverty Is Not The Cause” (4/27/09)
* “Myths About Terrorism” (5//29/09)
* "It's Neither Poverty or Madrassas" (7/8/05)
* "Al Qaeda and Suitcase Nukes" (11/1/05)

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