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05/08/2007 Archived Entry: "My political credo"

I'VE BEEN TRYING TO WRITE A CREDO. Don't ask me why; I know it's a rather pretentious thing to do. But a few days ago, while reading Brian Doherty's walk-down-memory-lane tome, Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement, it suddenly became important to me to come up with a brief, concise statement of my political beliefs.

My draft version is ... um, well, pretentious. And wordy. So I've decided to ask for your help. I'm going to start a Credo thread over at TCF, then steal plagiarize rip off generously adopt portions of the best statements.

BTW, Radicals for Capitalism is a great book for anybody who remembers any early days of libertarianism or who doesn't recall those days but wants a colorful and pretty darned acurate glimpse of the players and events. Whoo, talk about flashbacks. People. Places. Things. Events. Some are from "my day" -- the teen years in which I came to understand my nascent political views. Some are from long before that, like the dark days when three women -- Isabel Paterson, Rose Wilder Lane, and Ayn Rand -- almost single-handedly extracted liberty from the crushing jaws of statism.

In the book's summation of where the movement's heading now, Doherty even includes a paragraph devoted to moi. (Yeah, I ego-surfed the index, first thing. Don't tell anybody.) But that reference is actually devoted to you -- you guys out there reading this or participating on TCF -- more than me. Pat yourselves on the back.

Posted by Claire @ 02:40 PM CST

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