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09/06/2006 Archived Entry: "New novel: The Hunt for Confederate Gold"

THE HUNT FOR CONFEDERATE GOLD. Yesterday evening I received a copy of The Hunt for Confederate Gold, the debut novel by Thomas Moore (whose almost-scary bio you'll find behind that Amazon.com link).

People are always telling me about freedom novels they "couldn't put down." I get copies and I can scarcely pick them up, they're so dull or badly written. But this ... well, it's the real deal. By early a.m. I was 2/3 of the way through and reluctant to set the book aside and go to sleep. I won't say more until I've finished reading. But the Amazon descriptions and reviews provide a good introduction. From what I've seen so far, I agree 100 percent with the review by "D. Jones 'Georgia Confederate.'"

More when I'm done.

Posted by Claire @ 09:11 AM CST

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