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04/24/2006 Archived Entry: "I enter the Mordechai Anielewicz Memorial Rifle Match"

THIS WEEKEND I BRAVED A HOWLING GALE to enter Ian's TCF Rifle Postal Match aka The Mordechai Anielewicz Memorial Rifle Match. All my friends know that when the dry desert wind rages, I look for a cave to hide in. And I'm a notoriously bad rifle shooter; I expect my scores to be somewhere near the bottom of the heap, even without the wind to blame. But by damn, I did it.

The moral of this story: If I can do this, so can you. (Heck, I even had fun, though I wouldn't admit it.) You've still got 'til April 29 to get your targets in the hands of the judges.

Posted by Claire @ 10:27 AM CST

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