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03/21/2006 Archived Entry: "2nd TCF Combat Rifle Postal Match"


Blogispondent Ian here. I am pleased to announce that the 2nd TCF Combat Rifle Postal Match will be taking place in the month of April! This match will be dedicated to the memory of Mordechai Anielewicz and the fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

For those of you not familiar with postal matches, the idea is that a bunch of people all shoot the same course of fire and then mail their targets to a single person for scoring. It allows us to hold a rifle match without needing to get everyone together at the same shooting range. For the privacy-minded, you may scan your targets and email them in rather than using a mail carrier.

Everyone with a military-style rifle is encouraged to participate, regardless of skill level. Here are the complete rules:

TCF Combat Rifle Postal Match

Course of Fire:

The match will consist of a total of 50 rounds fired for score at a distance of 100 yards.

Stage 1 will be 10 shots fired standing offhand within 2 minutes at an SR-1 (simulated 200 yard) target. The shooter will begin standing erect and holding his or her rifle in any desired position, loaded with 10 rounds. Ir the rifle will not hold 10 rounds, the shooter must reload it and fire all 10 shots within the alotted time.

Stage 2 will be 10 shots fired within 60 seconds at an SR-1 (simulated 200 yard) target. The shooter will begin standing erect and holding his or her rifle, loaded with fewer than 10 rounds. At the start of time, the shooter will assume a kneeling, sitting, or squatting position and commence fire. The rifle must be reloaded and all 10 shots fired within the alotted time.

Stage 3 will be 10 shots fired within 70 seconds at an SR-21 (simulated 300 yard) target. The shooter will begin standing erect and holding his or her rifle, loaded with fewer than 10 rounds. At the start of time, the shooter will assume a prone position and commence fire. The rifle must be reloaded and all 10 shots fired within the alotted time.

Stage 4 will be 20 shots fired within 20 minutes at an MR-31 (simulated 600 yard) target. The shooter will begin standing erect and holding his or her rifle, loaded with as many rounds as the shooter desires. If a reload is necessary to complete the 20 shots, it must be done within the alotted time.

Allowed Equipment:

This match is intended for use with military-style combat rifles. Any repeating rifle issued by a national military is eligible. Also eligible are any other repeating centerfire rifles that use clips or detachable magazines.

Rifles equipped with sights using lenses or electronic components are allowed, and will be scored in a separate category from rifles using iron sights.

Rifles with aftermarket modifications such as bedding or trigger work are acceptable so long as the modifications do not hinder the combat effectiveness of the rifle. Rather than attempt to define all possible modifications, it will be left to the shooter to honestly determine whether his or her rifle complies with the spirit of this combat rifle match.

Specialized target shooting equipment including shooting gloves, jackets, and sandbags are not allowed. Slings are allowed, but they must be set up for carrying the rifle at the beginning of each stage of fire (ie, shooting slings may not be pre-attached to a shooter's arm). Use of bipods is allowed.

The configuration or a rifle may not be changed at any time in the course of fire. For example, optics or bipods may not be added or removed between stages of the match.

Targets and Scoring:

The three targets required may be downloaded from the following links. All are formatted for use on 11"x17" paper - if a competitor does not have access to an 11x17 printer, they may print each target on two pieces of 8.5x11 paper and tape them together to form the full target. Note: there is an 8.5x11 version of the MR-31 target available, but it has some of the scoring area cropped off. Shooters are welcome to use this target, but they will be credited only for hits in the printed scoring rings. Using the larger version is advantageous.

Stages 1 & 2 target: SR-1
Stage 3 target: SR-21
Stage 4 target MR-31 (also available cropped to 8.5x11)

Please use the "Print as Image" option in Adobe reader to correctly print out these files.

For the fourth stage (20 shots in 20 minutes), shooters may use two MR-31 targets and fire 10 shots at each rather than 20 shots on a single MR-31 target. This is left to the shooter's preference.

After printing out the targets, each shooter should label them each with his or her username on the TCF forum and the string of fire that target is to be used for. It would be appreciated (though not required) if the shooter also noted the type of rifle used.

After completing the course of fire, the shooter must either snail-mail or scan and email their targets to Debra, the board admin. Her addresses are:

Debra Ricketts
20 E White Mountain Blvd A5-130
Lakeside AZ 85929


Scores will be totalled and all results promptly posted in a thread in the Guns & Gear area of the forum.

Scoring will be done as in all common competition shooting. If a bullet hole breaks the edge of a scoring ring, it will be awarded the higher value. If there are more than the specified number of bullet holes in a target, only the lowest-scoring 10 (or 20, in the case of the 4th Stage) will be scored.


Targets must be received by April 29th to be eligible for scoring.


The winner of the match will receive a notation of "Rifle Champion" in their user group, as well as beaucoup bragging rights. The notation will remain in place until such time as a different shooter wins a subsequent TCF Combat Rifle Postal Match.


There is a thread here on TCF's Bulletin Board where I will answer any questions about the match.

Posted by Ian @ 11:35 AM CST

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