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10/21/2005 Archived Entry: "First TCF Practical Pistol Postal Match!"


Blogispondent Ian here. I would like to remind folks that the entry deadline for the first TCF Practical Pistol Postal Match is rapidly approaching! If you are interesting in participating (and we encourage everyone to do so, regardless of skill level), please get your targets in the mail ASAP.

For those of you not familiar with postal matches, the idea is that a bunch of people all shoot the same course of fire and then mail their targets to a single person for scoring. It allows us to hold a match without needing to get everyone together at the same shooting range. For the privacy-minded, you may scan your targets and email them in rather than using a mail carrier.

Click "more" for details:

Course of Fire

Part I: Bullseye shooting
10 rounds fired at an 11x17 B6 target at 25 yards, no time limit.

10 rounds fired at an 8.5x11 B2 target at 15 yards, no time limit.

Part II: Speed shooting
10 rounds fired at a speed target at 7 yards, 10 second time limit. Gun must be holstered when time begins, and the shooter must perform a reload (on the clock) at some point between the 2nd and 9th shots. Both hands may be used to support the pistol.

5 rounds fired at a speed target at 7 yards, 5 second time limit. Gun must be holstered when time begins, and the shooter must hold a weight in their non-dominant hand throughout the string of fire. The weight must be in the form of either a 1 gallon jug of water or a bag containing 7 to 8 pounds of material (this roughly corresponds to two bricks of .22LR ammunition or 200 rounds of .45ACP ammunition).

5 rounds fired at a speed target at 7 yards, 5 second time limit. Gun must be held in the shooter's non-dominant hand only, but may be in hand pointing at the ground when time begins. The shooter's dominant hand may not be used to support the pistol or the shooter's non-dominant hand/arm.

Total rounds fired: 40

Allowed Equipment

Any iron-sighted centerfire pistol may be used, though shooters are encouraged to use their daily carry pistols.

Any holster may be used, but again shooters are encouraged to use holsters practical for daily carry.

Magazines and speed loaders may be carried in appropriate pouches, but again shooters are encouraged to use carry methods practical for daily carry.


The bullseye portion of the match will use the B6 and B2 targets linked above. The B2 is an 8.5x11 and can be simply printed. The B6 is an 11x17 inch target and should be either printed on that size paper or on two sheets of 8.5x11 (which should then be taped together).

A "speed target" is an 8.5x11 sheet of paper folded so that the top and bottom edges meet in the center, and then again so that the left and right edges meet. The result is a 4.25x5.5 square in the center of the paper.

After shooting, the targets must be marked with the shooter's name (either real or board handle), sex, and the number of shots fired after the time limit (if applicable). Shooters are encouraged to also notate the make/model and caliber of pistol used.


Each shot is worth a maximum of 10 points. In the bullseye section, points are as marked in the targets' scoring rings. In the speed section, the inner box is worth 10 points and the outer area is worth 5 points. There are no penalties for misses beyond the lack of points gained.

Scores are based on point totals alone. If any rounds fired after a time limit ends, the number must be marked on the target. That many hits will be removed from the total score, starting with the best shot. Thus, if you fire 9 shots on a string with one of them coming after time expires, only the 8 worst hits will be counted for that string.

As is standard in competition shooting, a bullet hole which breaks a scoring line will be given the higher score.

After completing the course of fire, the shooter must either snail-mail or scan and email their targets to Debra, the board admin. Her addresses are:

Debra Ricketts
20 E White Mountain Blvd A5-130
Lakeside AZ 85929


Scores will be totalled and all results promptly posted in a thread in the Guns & Gear area of the forum. The top male and top female shooters will be awarded per the Prizes section.


Targets must be received by Friday, October 28th to be eligible for scoring.


The two match winners will receive a notation of "Male/Female Pistol Champion" in their user profiles. The notation will remain in place until such time as a different shooter wins a subsequent TCF Practical Pistol Postal Match.

Posted by Ian @ 01:16 PM CST

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