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03/04/2005 Archived Entry: "ChoicePoint to stop selling "sesitive" date -- sort of"
WELL, GLORY BE. CHOICEPOINT HAS DECIDED to stop selling "sensitive" personal data like SSNs and drivers license numbers to freelance scum.
Of course there's a catch. They plan to continue selling exactly that data to federal, state, and local government scum.
One part of me wants to credit ChoicePoint for taking a step in the right direction. Another says there is no "right direction" for a company like ChoicePoint -- except down the drain.
Also don't like to see one more area in which government agents have more "rights" than those who aren't on the tax dole. I've been stalked and I hate identity thieves -- and ChoicePoint's very existence enables both stalkers and scammers. But freelance creeps are pikers compared with duly authorized official creeps.
Posted by Claire @ 11:48 AM CST