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04/15/2004 Archived Entry: "Happy April Fools Day -- and an Offer"

HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY! But surprisingly, libertarian Garry Reed isn't kidding when he tells how much he loves the IRS.

If you don't love the IRS so much, don't forget Dave Gross' simple, legal "Don't Owe Nothin'" plan for dealing with tax day and the morality of funding the ever-growing state. Here's Dave's complete eight-step plan for how to do it -- including how to decide whether it's right for you.

But of course, you being an Outlaw, you don't need to do it the legal way, either.

Speaking of April Fools Day, I do think IRS Commissioner Mark Everson was foolin' when he said on NPR this morning that the reason IRS enforcement is down is that the agency has been concentrating for the last several years on providing better "service."

Which brings me to my offer. The first autographed copy of my upcoming book (due out late this summer) will go to the person who gives the absolute best answer to the following question: "What is the greatest service that the IRS provides me?" (With the "me" in question being you). I'll be the sole judge of the answers, and if nobody comes up with a great IRS service, I reserve the right not to award the prize. However, this is not a trick question. I'm really, really pretty darned sure one of you wags will come up with a valuable "service" you've received from the IRS-o-crats. And I'll judge entries on wit, irony, charm, and other factors as well as on any actual truthfulness that your answer might contain.

To enter, post your response at The Claire Files forums. Go to the Hardyville forum and write your take on IRS service in the "Contest: IRS Loves You" thread that I'm about to create. Contest ends May 15, 2004. Prize to be awarded once the book is published. You don't have to be American to enter!

Posted by Claire @ 12:05 PM CST

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