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03/10/2004 Archived Entry: "Eagle Scout project: jury rights"


My name is Alexander Navarro; I am a Boy Scout with Troop 13, in Queensbury, New York. I am currently working on my Eagle Project for the Eagle Scout rank, the highest rank in Boy Scouts.

A fundamental requirement of an Eagle Project is community service. JurorsRule will do this by educating people about their rights, duties, and powers as potential jurors. Such powers are not explained in the States' Jurors' Handbook, and are rarely explained by a judge during court. (See What Judges Don't Tell Juries)

Another requirement of an Eagle Project is to get others to participate by delegating various activities to them. This is where you come in, and you can help with my project in two ways:

His goal is to inform 1,000,000 people about jurors' rights. Pass the word.

Posted by Claire @ 07:58 AM CST

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