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10/28/2003 Archived Entry: "The Ministry of Truth is HQ'd in the White House"

DOES ANYBODY GET FLASHBACKS OF 1984 from this report that the White House has prevented indexing or archiving of files on its Web site -- presumably after sharp-eyed folks Googled discrepancies between new and older WH documents about Iraq? There goes Winston Smith, dropping those old "facts" down the memory hole and replacing them with new.

What's perhaps more distressing is that this story came (via FMN) from Australia. The U.S. media, that once pilloried Nixon for his cynical secrecy, and U.S. conservatives, who derided Clinton for his "flexible" way with facts, quietly accept the machinations of what is probably the most secretive administration in American history.

Posted by Claire @ 09:15 AM CST

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