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10/17/2003 Archived Entry: "Rebuttal to Kopel on Silveira v. Lockyer"

THE NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE PUBLISHED DAVE KOPEL'S SCATHING CRITIQUE OF SILVEIRA V. LOCKYER, a few weeks ago. Silveira is the lawsuit hardcore advocates hope will restore the Second Amendment for once and for all. NRO kept promising to print a rebuttal to Kopel, but never did. So here's that rebuttal at Keepandbeararms.com.

I'm not enough of a lawyer to know who's right (though clearly Kopel's wrong on specific points). My heart's with Silveira (for whatever that might be worth!). And Kopel speaks the NRA party line, which is cause enough for suspicion. The Big Bad Gun Group appears not to understand any part of the words "shall not be infringed," but does seem to understand power and how to hang on to it. They call Silveira a threat to the Second Amendment. More like a threat to their dominance. Why are they so anxious to avoid defending the Second Amendment on principles instead of on legalistic technicalities that leave the real questions unanswered?

Posted by Claire @ 06:50 AM CST

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