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04/27/2004 Archived Entry: "Me at the Oscars"

LAST NIGHT I DREAMED I WAS NOMINATED FOR AN OSCAR in the best supporting actress category. I knew I wouldn't win because the film I'd appeared in was a documentary. And because I was the only non-actress among the famous actress nominees. But I was just thrilled to be at the awards banquet (yes, banquet). The whole time I sat there at that glittery table, all I could think about was how eager I was to tell you folks about my nomination this morning. So there you have it. Consider yourself told. :-)

After that, I woke, went back to sleep, and dreamed I went to San Francisco and had plastic surgery all over my whole body (although I was terribly puzzled about what I needed all that surgery for, since I thought I was fairly okay to begin with). Maybe if I'd have done that before the Oscar banquet, I'd have had a better chance ...

Posted by Claire @ 10:26 AM CST

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