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11/04/2003 Archived Entry: ""The Law in Hardyville""

"THE LAW IN HARDYVILLE." I forgot to blog it over the weekend when it first went up. But Backwoods Home magazine has now posted one of my all-time favorite columns, "The Law in Hardyville." This is the second and last of the "classic" columns to re-introduce my little mid-nowhere town of Hardyville before an all-new series runs, starting November 15.

When Hardyville appeared on WorldNetDaily.com back in 1998 and 1999, columns about firearms always drew the most (and most enthusiastic) mail. But "The Law in Hardyville" came in next. I still giggle at it myself. The details of the "law" were concocted on a long road trip with Charles "I-Am-Not-a-Lawyer" Curley.

Posted by Claire @ 01:49 PM CST

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