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04/04/2003 Archived Entry: "So who's more tolerant?"

SO WHO'S MORE TOLERANT? The documentary I've been working on, "Innocents Betrayed," uses historic photos and footage from dozens of sources. We've also had dozens of sources refuse to deal with us once they found out who we were (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership) and what we were doing (making a film that says "gun control" is a pre-condition for genocide).

These organizations are free to license their images to whomever they wish. No problem. But after the most recent big fat NO, something occurred to me: All kinds of "left-wing" organizations have refused to deal with us, apparently because we're "gun nuts." But not a single "right-wing" organization has refused to deal with us because JPFO represents Jews.

Now, tell me again, which political "wing" is supposedly so full of notorious bigots???

Posted by Claire @ 05:13 PM CST

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