The 16 Steps Out Of Islamophobia

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 23:32:00 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

J-Victua at A Libertarian Rant - bravo!

Muslims are not a threat to our freedom. And here is a step-by-step explanation:

The 16 Steps Out Of Islamophobia:

1. There are 1.5 Billion Muslims.

2. 19 attacked us on 9/11.

3. Since 9/11, we have seen fools with underwear and shoe bombs.

4. Osama bin Laden, the CIA, and the 9/11 Commission affirm that US intervention in the Middle East was a motivator for the strikes.

5. So in response to a response to intervention, we intervene further. Yeah.

6. And yet, we are not experiencing attacks regularly, even as we ramp up our presence.

7. The argument we must fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here... is totally absurd. I'd rather fight them over here, so I know they exist.

8. But how is keeping an army in the desert halfway around the world while leaving our borders wide open keeping assholes from hijacking jets and smashing them into buildings?

9. Answer: It's not, duh.

10. And yet, we are not experiencing regular attacks.

11. To reiterate, there are a billion Muslims.

12. If even 20,000 wanted to kill us, we would be under siege every week, every day.

13. No, it is far more likely (or really, the truth) that the majority of Muslims are a peaceful people and only psychopaths kill civilians.

14. These psychopaths include Al-Qaida and these:

15. There is NO threat from Islamic terrorism that demands the economic gutting and militarization of our society. These criminal punks were not a fighting force... they were criminal punks.

16. To close, the words of an Iranian in the days after 9/11: "Why should Americans deserve this? That's a sick thought. They are just ordinary people like us."


But let us assume for the sake of absurd argument that there IS indeed a Muslim Expeditionary Force coming to get us. Would it not make sense, would it not be their duty, for our government to stop defending the borders of Iraq, Afghanistan, South Korea, etc... and bring back our troops and resources to defend OUR borders?

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