Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 02 Jun 2001 21:26:38 GMT
HTML CHEAT SHEET ****************

Last updated by Roedy Green 1999 September 5

This does not cover CSS (Cascaded Style Sheets), but most other common HTML, including SSI.

Groups ******

ordered numbered list
unordered bulleted list menu list, more compact than ul.
  • list item
    dictionary list
    dictionary term being defined (does not use
    dictionary definition (does not use

    Line Breaks ***********
    new line, no extra space
    gets past any flow-around illustration.

    new paragraph, blank line inserted

    horizontal rule

    Font selectors **************


    .. heading bold italic typewriter font
    preformatted or +3 for relative increase shorthand for shorthand for definition italic emphasis book titles program listings keystrokes computer status messages bold emphasis to be replaced by specific when used. underline
    email address, possibly street address.
    long quotation suggest a typeface. User must have it installed, can specify alternates in order of preference.

    Fonts *****

    Here are some fonts the user may have available:

    Arial Arial Black AvantGarde-Book AvantGarde-BookOblique AvantGarde-Demi AvantGarde-DemiOblique Bookman-Demi Bookman-DemiItalic Bookman-Light Bookman-LightItalic Britannic Bold Comic Sans MS Comic Sans MS Bold Courier Courier New Courier-Bold Courier-BoldOblique Courier-Oblique Garamond Geneva Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique Helvetica-Narrow Helvetica-Narrow-Bold Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique Helvetica-Oblique Impact Monaco MS Sans Serif MS Serif NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NewCenturySchlbk-Roman New York Palatino Palatino-Bold Palatino-BoldItalic Palatino-Italic Palatino-Roman Scribble Symbol Tahoma Terminal Times Times New Roman Times-Bold Times-BoldItalic Times-Italic Times-Roman Verdana Webdings ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZapfDingbats

    Forms *****

    see Bare Bones tutorial at

    Anchors *******

    typical target -- place where you jump TO:

    Roedy's Java Glossary

    Links *****

    typical reference that when clicked takes you to a particular spot: glossary or glossary or glossary

    Email reference Roedy Green

    GIF reference (often embedded in an .. reference to provide a picture button Email logo

    Tables ******

    table cellpadding is interior border of cell. cellspacing in border _between_ cells. cellpadding will appear on left side of leftmost cell and right side of the rightmost cell; cellspacing will not.

    caption title, appears above table. table row valign can be top, middle, bottom, baseline valign can also occur on caption, tr and td. header item, also left,center,right,justify data item header spanning two rows data item spanning two rows header spanning two columns data item spanning two columns align data in this cell at the : char may not break lines in cell hints on how to compute column widths

    can also be vertical or block. size in pixels horisontal size in pixels vertical size in pixels also right and center Netscape appears to ignore spacers.

    Figures *******

    are not supported in the big three browsers.

    Frames ******

    surrounds rows of frames, pixels relative space for each

    surrounds cols of frames, pixels relative space for each no borders around the frames

    end of sandwiches HTML to render the page if the browser does or will not support frames.

    In a menu frame document, one of the "tiles":

    allows one frame to load documents into another named frame for following HREFs. The HREF provide a default base for any relative hrefs coming.


    Most browsers let you leave out the Possible targets, besides named frames, include:

    _blank in a new, unnamed window. _self in this frame. _parent into parent frame (or this frame if no parent). _top into the full, original window (thus cancelling all other frames)

    Java Applets ************ see jglossa.html#APPLET

    Standard Prelude **************** see writinghtml.html

    SSI Server Side Includes ************************

    These commands require special support from your ISP. For more detail see SSI in the Java glossary.

    Configure FLASTMOD dates to display 2000-12-31 format.

    hit counter. Hit is stored in file named. Incremented on every display, not every download.

    configures the format of SSI timestamps to ISO standard yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm

    so you don't need to repeat boilerplate every time it occurs.

    display date this file was last modified.

    display date given file was last modified.

    display the size of the given file.

    display some variable computed text, in this case the name of the current document in which this text is embedded. You can surround this with etc.

    Values you can use as the variable include:

    DOCUMENT_NAME The document file name DOCUMENT_URI The document Universal Resource Identifier (the path) DATE_LOCAL The current date and time DATE_GMT The current Greenwich Mean Time date and time LAST_MODIFIED The date and time the document was last modified REMOTE_ADDR The IP address of the user requesting the document SERVER_SOFTWARE The name and version of the Web server software SERVER_NAME The local hostname of the Web Server unfortunately, no keyword to get server's IP, SERVER_ADDR. SERVER_PORT The TCP port on which the Web server is listening for HTTP requests (the default is 80) REMOTE_HOST The hostname of the computer requesting the document AUTH_TYPE The method used to authenticate user requests. HTTP_USER_AGENT The name of the browser requesting the document

    Special Characters ****************** see writinghtml.html

    Accented Characters ******************* see writinghtml.html

    Esperanto Characters ******************** see esperanto.html

    Colours That Netscape 4.7 knows by Name ***************************************

    See netscapecolours.html or colours.txt

    UPLOAD ******

    user selects name of file to upload

    INDENTING *********

    You can cheat and use

    Happily, the technique also nests properly.

    The official way is to use CSS style sheets


    If you want to pad all paragraphs, put this in the "head" section:

    Or do this:

    and then it will only indent subsequent paragraphs that are marked like this:


    Unfortunately, the technique does not handle nesting.

    To indent just the first line of each paragraph, use:


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