One of the sued gun dealers speaks up

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 23 May 2006 11:15:46 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

alandp at The Gun Blogs - commentary on this Times and Democrat article where Chan Holman, the owner of Woody's Pawn and Jewelry, one of the fifteen businesses named in Michael Bloomberg's entrapment operation, defends himself.

If the purchaser lies and gives someone the gun, then it's technically illegal, right? And how will the dealer know the purchaser is lying? A Vulcan mind-meld?


You'll note that although the names of the 15 gunshops are known, this particular shop mentioned had not been served as of last Friday (when the interview occurred). What's taking Bloomie so long? Still trying to find some legal standing for NYC to sue someone out of state?

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Comments (3):

Illegal handguns is a real

Submitted by mr steel on Tue, 23 May 2006 14:36:56 GMT

Illegal handguns is a real issue that needs to be addressed. Not sure Bloomberg picked the right way to do it here.

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A perfect chance to strike back

Submitted by MRJarrell on Tue, 23 May 2006 15:14:33 GMT

These gun owners have a perfect chance to strike back at Bloomberg by countersuit. Levy a suit of, oh perhaps a billion dollars or so for his illegal and unConstitutional actions. Slap on some restraint of trade, libel and slander and retire to the islands....

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I don't recognize the existence of an "illegal handgun"

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 23 May 2006 15:22:25 GMT

The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Hence, there cannot be such a thing as an illegal handgun. I can understand that some people may consider it illegal for an ex-con to possess a handgun, but the handgun itself may not be made illegal. Ever. Blatantly unconstitutional. Any license, permit, or background check of any kind is an unconstitutional infringement. If the courts have ruled otherwise, they are wrong. Treasonously wrong. Read the L. Neil Smith quotes in the right side-bar.

I don't even believe that ex-cons may be barred from the use of self-defense tools, once they're out of prison. Any man who can't be trusted with a gun shouldn't be on the street.

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