Heller Decision -- Deeper Analysis

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 09:35:12 GMT  <== RKBA ==> 

Alan Korwin, The Uninvited Ombudsman - Chicago's Mayor Daley fears a "return to the days of the Wild West." Biased, misleading, and prejudicial news coverage. So-called "gun deaths" are really drug war deaths. "The big hurdle, with Heller now in place, will be control of the court of popular opinion." Handguns are fully recognized as "the quintessential self-defense weapon." And:


The core issue of "judicial scrutiny" is now established -- better than we had dreamed -- in what will be known as Famous Footnote #27 (p56). Laws impinging on the Second Amendment can receive no lower level of review than any other "specific enumerated right" such as free speech, the guarantee against double jeopardy or the right to counsel (the Court's list of examples).

This is a tremendous win, and overlooked in all initial reviews I've seen. Attorney Mike Anthony was the first to spot it, way to go Mike. "Strict scrutiny," which many folks sought, is a term without formal definition that could prove problematic. I was hoping for a test of some sort and got more than I hoped for. By recognizing 2A as a "specific enumerated right" the majority ties 2A to the rigid standards and precedents of our most cherished rights. That's as strong as there is. Very clever indeed.


Critics and anti-rights advocates are almost gleeful at the Court's acceptance of Mr. Heller's request for registration and a license to carry his gun in his own home, as long as the terms aren't arbitrary or capricious. Agreed this is a weak and unsavory intermediate step with potential for abuse, while on the way to greater freedom than D.C. currently has. It has a very dangerous potential for abuse that will be exploited. Antis will try to imply that registration and licensing are more than OK, they are the new standard. This is completely false:

-- It is not a national requirement, it's a response to a specific request.

-- Heller's request applies specifically to his case, at home, in D.C., to be acted upon by D.C. for its residents.

-- Because RKBA is now recognized as a "specific enumerated right" (a phrase you should start using), laws related to it will be subjected to stringent standards like those protecting freedom of speech, protection against double jeopardy or the right to counsel (among the most safeguarded rights we have).

-- Registration and a license to practice free speech would obviously never be permissible, so Mr. Heller's request should hold little sway, if any, outside the context of his "prayer" (the Court's word) for relief from the onerous disability he suffered as a D.C. resident. Anti-rights lawyers and legislators will try to argue otherwise, but the ammunition is piled high in the pro-rights arsenal. Our argument is compelling, do not yield...


Detailed, step-by-step review of the decision, the dissents, and the events leading up to the case will form the heart of my next book, "The Heller Case: Supreme Court Gun Cases Volume 2." Leading experts will contribute their view of where the Heller case will lead us, and suggest a course of action for using this landmark decision in defense of liberty. Every gun case the Court has ever heard -- all 96 -- will be discussed, along with summaries of all 66 amicus briefs filed in the Heller case, and the full text of the case. Hundreds of juicy quotes from Heller will be highlighted for easy reading and navigation through the thick legal discussions.

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