Extradition Hearing To Begin January 21

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 09:53:52 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Jodie Emery at Cannabis Culture - the wheels of injustice grind slowly, but grind they do. Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey, and Greg Williams, who were arrested in July of 2005, face an extradition hearing in a few weeks. If the Canadian Minister of "Justice" decides to allow the d.e.a. to kidnap them, they may face life in prison in Camp Fed. For selling seeds. This article recommends lots of ways to help.

The extradition hearing is scheduled to begin on January 21st - January 25th, 2008. Please phone (613) 957-4222 to tell the Canadian Minister of Justice it would be "cruel and unjust punishment" to extradite Canadians Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey and Greg Williams to the United States to face life in US prison, especially when a $200 fine -- not jail time -- is the BC Supreme Court precedent for selling cannabis seeds (See R. v. Hunter, 2000). "If Canadians have broken the law in Canada, they should be given a fair jury trial in Canada. If they wouldn't face any imprisonment in Canada for the charges laid, they should not be extradited to another country to face life imprisonment."

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