Dumbo in Buffalo

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 23 May 2008 12:46:49 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Becky Akers at LewRockwell.com - a woman "of grandmotherly age" managed to sneak past security by walking in the exit hall. When she realized her mistake, instead of breathing a sigh of relief to having missed being groped by the Taking Scissors Away goons, she told the gate agent. The goons proceeded to shut down the entire concourse and bring in bomb-sniffing dogs. Ninety minutes later, they rescreened all the passengers. Gee, I'll bet everybody felt really really safe after that. Not. [lew]

Doug also promised, "It's a serious breach and it's one I know the TSA is going to...take any steps necessary to make sure it doesn't happen again in the future." Yeah, right. Fat chance the agency will take the most obvious step of all: shutting down not just a checkpoint, nor a concourse, but its whole unconstitutional self.

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