Deadliest Catch: One Alaska Fisherman to Another

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 11:52:53 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Douglas Herman rips Sarah Palin a new one. [root]

Sarah Palin, my name is Douglas Herman. I am the oldest salmon crewman in Kodiak, Alaska, and I never quit a fishing boat even when severely injured and in pain. What made you jump ship halfway through the season? I'm sure you know that any crewman who quits a fishing boat halfway through the fishing season and leaves a crew shorthanded is a stinking, lowlife loser. Didn't you run for governor of Alaska against the good-old-boys from both the Republican and Democrats? Weren't you elected by Alaskans tired of corruption? Didn't you promise Alaskans FOUR years of public service, not more self-interest? Clearly Sarah, you're a quitter, with bigger fish to fry.


Sorry, Sarah. Your shrill flag waving won't pay the bills anymore. America is busted and your newfound cronies busted her.

Millions expected more from you. Somehow America thinks we are tougher in Alaska. The Last Frontier, you know? Sadly instead, you resemble one more Neocon whimp, with your nutty, retro warmongering views of the world.

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