An Open Letter to Mary Mitchell

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 14:06:22 GMT  <== RKBA ==> 

Mike Vanderboegh at War on Guns - Mr. Vanderboegh warns a Chicago gun-grabbing journalist that, since Slick Willy changed the rules of war to allow killing of politicians and journalists, she should be careful about helping to start another American civil war. It might have unfortunate highly-personal unintended consequences. [codrea]

So here we are with a new President about to take office who, given the anti-firearms record that he is loudly denying at the moment, will see eye-to-eye with you on gun control, street control, talk-radio control, Internet control, people control and God-knows-what-else control in the New Perfect Paradise Nanny State led by the Lightworker Saint Barack. Yet even you must admit that there are people like me who would resist any more encroachments upon our God-given constitutional liberties. How do you think we would react to such an oppressive scheme as your own? Remember, we're the ones with the firearms.

I tell you, madame, we will fight. The Law of Unintended Consequences as applied to Bill Clinton's stupid advancement of the rules of war to include politicians and journalists will ensure that another American civil war will see the deaths of many innocents and many who are not so innocent. This will include, if I may be permitted to put a fine point on it, American politicians and journalists who attempted to push tyrannical schemes on their fellow citizens. And if you think that civil war cannot come to this country you are whistling past the graveyard of history. We are more divided as a people now than we ever were in 1860. In our opinion, this time it is the "liberals" such as yourselves who are pushing slavery. And we will not consent to be slaves of your nanny state, no matter how well-intentioned you believe your tyranny to be.

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